View Full Version : Hello

10-21-10, 07:35 AM
Hi everyone. I am not a snake owner currently (I don't have the space and money for the types I like currently) but I very much like them and want to get to know other snake lovers and learn more about them.

I have owned a ball python and burmese python as a teenager and was at one point a dumb young kid that bought a snake trusting what the pet store people told me and ended up in a bind. I regret those mistakes but all I can do is be sorry I made them and learn to not make the mistake again. I really wish more pet stores were out to provide good pets rather than make a quick buck because unfortunately too many young people make the same mistakes I did. I adopted a medium sized ball python from a friend who was moving, as well as a burmese hatchling, and was quickly overwhelmed with feeding issues, escaping snakes, and a massive snake I couldn't afford to feed. Luckily the pet store I bought the burm at was able to take them in.

Anyways, additionally to wanting to learn more about snakes so I am an expert when the time comes to get one, I also am a fan of pet rats and wanted to share a bit of my knowledge with those breeding them for food, as well as get some input for those of you that buy feeders since I am trying to figure out if I want to breed rats or not.

Thanks for having me in your forum :)

10-21-10, 08:09 AM

10-21-10, 08:22 AM
Thanks! I am loving this forum so far, so many great posts about all kinds of things :)

10-21-10, 09:02 AM
As long as you are an avid reader then you will get plenty of info to find out about snakes. The toughtest bit, especially online, is picking out the wheat from the chaff.

I find that by reading books on the snakes first and then searching online (as well as this wonderful forum) you cant go far wrong.

10-21-10, 09:44 AM
As long as you are an avid reader then you will get plenty of info to find out about snakes. The toughtest bit, especially online, is picking out the wheat from the chaff.

I find that by reading books on the snakes first and then searching online (as well as this wonderful forum) you cant go far wrong.

I've certainly read books, but probably not the right ones. If snakes are anything like rats or birds, the majority of books are written by people that know almost nothing about them and have the same info you would get from the pet store. example: recommending a ten gallon aquarium, a heat rock, and astro-turf as all you need for a ball python.... sure if you want one that sheds in 4 pieces, refuses to eat, and outgrows their cage in a couple months or simply dies because it's miserable and unhealthy.

I am sure there is a bunch of REALLY good snake books out there, I just don't know where to look. If you have any specific ones you recommend I am all for it, I just know the pet store and library around here has nothing but vague books written 20 years ago written by what I wouldn't call experts. The way I tend to view it, you can find good information online if you are patient and know how to sort through the crazies :P Generally hobby breeders know more about their beloved pets than even your average veterinarian because of species specific experience. It's a shame more experts don't write books.

10-21-10, 10:00 AM
I was going to point out that a book is only as good as the author.

Publishing companies know nothing about animal husbandry, so just about anything can make it to the bookstores.

Further, some books were published a long time ago and many things ranging from husbandry practices to products available have changed drastically in just the last few years.

Like Rob said, a combination of books AND communicating with other keepers is the best formula for success.

10-21-10, 10:27 AM
hello and welcome

my old grandad used to say do not forget a book is just one mans opinion

cheers shaun

10-21-10, 10:37 AM
hello and welcome

my old grandad used to say do not forget a book is just one mans opinion

cheers shaun

So true...

I have read some real "published rubbish" before.(probably will again too)

10-21-10, 10:46 AM
hello and welcome

my old grandad used to say do not forget a book is just one mans opinion

cheers shaun

very good saying, I like it.

10-21-10, 10:52 AM
Stephen Kings opinion is scary.....

10-21-10, 11:29 AM
If you have specific type of snake in mind i am sure you will get some good recommendations. Haven't found many generic snake books that are any good.

10-21-10, 11:40 AM
well my dream snakes for a long time have been the emerald tree boa and cool Columbian boa mutations but now Wayne has me wanting garter snakes... :P

10-21-10, 12:46 PM
for RTB i have read The Boa Constrictor Manual by Philippe de Vosjoli. i thought it was a very good book, easy to read and made sense with other things that i have hear and read online.

10-21-10, 03:45 PM
Hello and welcome!

10-22-10, 03:17 PM
Hello and Welcome!:)

10-22-10, 03:37 PM
Hello and welcome aboard. Unfortunately a lot of learning is the "Hard way." Trial and error, but by studying, and interaction,(Asking lots of questions from experienced keepers) a lot of the error portion can be eliminated.

Sometimes just plain old common sense is a big factor. A good friend of mine once told me that common sense ain't so common. :no: The more I look around, the more I fear she may be right.

That being said... you've come to a real good place to ask questions! I hope you enjoy your stay, and stay a long time.