View Full Version : Anyone keep Roaches?

10-20-10, 02:10 AM
Does anyone here keep Cockroaches? I need some information on keeping and breeding. I also need some reassurance that they won`t infest my house if one escapes! :o

10-20-10, 06:22 AM
I have had a dubia colony now for almost 3 years....

Simple basic care and never had an escape yet.

Blaptica dubia (Guyana Orange Spotted Roach)

Guyana Orange Spotted Roach Care and Breeding (http://www.nyworms.com/orangespottedcare.htm) LINK

As for escapees, this is a hot climate roach, if they did escape, inside your walls is not appropriate conditions for any further reproduction to take place.




10-20-10, 06:33 AM
Eek! The ones I have are Porceliene Cockroaches. I`m just a tad concerned because they have this reputation as being very very good at surviving! What if a pregnant female escaped?! Not a problem though is it? I still haven`t told wifey lol she`s going to flip LOL :) So is it as simple as keep them warm (in the snake room) Feed varied food, provide egg cartons and clean once a month? I`ve been advised not to give them substrate aswell, what do you think of that? I`ve been collecting leaf litter from the garden anyway, I thought that might provide some hiding spots and a nutritional suppliment. Does that sound like enough to you? I want them to have a decent life even though they`ve got a horrible death at the end of it.....

10-20-10, 06:39 AM
Common Name: Porcelain Cockroach
Scientific Name: Gyna lurida

Yikes these boogers can fly!

not real sure how well they would do running free, but a pregnant female could possibly start a whole new colony if the conditions were met.

10-20-10, 11:35 AM
Yeeeeeeah.... I wasn`t expecting fliers. Does this all sound a bit dodgy to you? It`s freezing brass monkies here so I`m sure that`s not idea for them but still... Now I`m even more bothered....

10-20-10, 12:30 PM
I would believe that being from Kenya that they would not fare well without care.

10-20-10, 01:07 PM
That`s a very good thing! Actually I suppose if they could survive in the wild here there would be a law against possessing them or something...... Cor they don`t have scoot about the place fast! :)

10-20-10, 01:43 PM
from what I read, less than 1% of all roach species are house pests..

The "exotic" roaches require care when removed from their natural environment.

Stands to reason, since we never hear about infestations involving rare tropical species.

10-20-10, 03:40 PM
Yeah that`s true you don`t hear about that do you.... I had thought it might be possible for them to manage to survive in my snake room because it`s warm, there`s water in my vivariums and if they`ll eat anything there`s a poo dinner just a viv away.... Hopefully it`lll be ok anyway :)

10-20-10, 03:57 PM
Just out of curiosity Feebo, what are you raising them for? Food or pets? I like the Madagascar hissing roaches, but I don't think I'd bond with them really well.....

10-20-10, 04:06 PM
i have a tub full of dubias i breed never had one get out, there is something you can put on the edge of the tub and they just slide off its called super slick roach barrier from Aaron Pauling.com (http://aaronpauling.com/)

10-20-10, 05:00 PM
These guys can fly though! lol They`re for live food, although I`m changing my mind about breeding them I think. I`ll get them fed to my scorpions and my mantis until they`re all gone I think. I`ve got some very pretty Ethiopian crickets that i`ll breed instead I think. Those guys have a lovely little song that sounds like a bird....

YouTube - Ethiopian Crickets (Homeogiyllus indicus) call (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s306fF7McI)

10-20-10, 05:11 PM
These guys can fly though! lol They`re for live food, although I`m changing my mind about breeding them I think. I`ll get them fed to my scorpions and my mantis until they`re all gone I think. I`ve got some very pretty Ethiopian crickets that i`ll breed instead I think. Those guys have a lovely little song that sounds like a bird....

YouTube - Ethiopian Crickets (Homeogiyllus indicus) call (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s306fF7McI)
They look huge! how big are they?

10-20-10, 05:16 PM
the Ethiopian sounds cool but i dont know if i can have that sound all night lol.

10-20-10, 05:54 PM
Pretty big for crickets....

YouTube - Ethiopian Crickets (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wixMlfcpB8c)

Yeah I bet that would wear thin fairly quickly. The way I`m looking at it, I`m not going to breed on a massive scale. There won`t be millions and millions of chirping adults (Males only I think) and the ones that are chirping are the ones that are best for feeding to my scorpions and mantid so I can silence them to an extent that way. If they`re a little louder than I thought collectively, well... they`re in a seperate room upstairs, that`s better than them being in a room I`m using all the time. In any case, it`ll bother my wife more than me. As long as she`s ok, i`m ok... She`s deaf in one ear, if they`re keeping her awake I could always suggest she turns over lol :D

10-20-10, 06:17 PM
i would find yourself some dubias, i breed them as well, you will find that they LOVE oranges and its supposed to help stimulate breeding. i had a lid on before but now i just keep the lid off and its all safe and sound, with the lid on my tub hot wet inside and all the poo that the babies eat turned into paste and .....well it sticks pretty bad, with the lid off its nce and dry and hardly smells at all. Prolific breeders. last month i got about 400 or so for $40 and now i got about 1000 or so.

10-20-10, 06:33 PM
Can't beat Dubia for cheap herp food.

10-20-10, 06:41 PM
I think they look so cool as well, the pattern and color is beautifull, its a win, win in my books.

10-20-10, 06:53 PM
i just hate how they stick on your hand, i have the fling them off before my sav sees it on my hand lol.

10-20-10, 06:55 PM
lol i bet! lol I cant wait to get mine in a few days, thats why im breeding these. :)

10-20-10, 07:00 PM
i just hate how they stick on your hand, i have the fling them off before my sav sees it on my hand lol.

Gather up what you plan to feed in a poly or glass container.

Then just dump it out in the lizard enclosure.

That's what we do.

04-19-11, 02:05 PM


04-19-11, 02:21 PM
mmm, banana. lol

04-19-11, 05:08 PM
I am beginning to love my roaches, almost feel guilty feeding them off!!

04-19-11, 07:17 PM
I am beginning to love my roaches, almost feel guilty feeding them off!!

I don't feel any more guilty than feeding off my rats...

I enjoy the roaches, But I can't lose sight of why I got them in the first place.

BTW, I have had them for years, and two nights ago was the first time I ever caught a male copulating a female.

The were locked up having a boogie night.:eek: