View Full Version : How to treat rocks and branches ??

10-13-10, 03:57 PM
Can you treat your wood and branches in a deep freezer

10-13-10, 04:33 PM
No, Think about this, winter is cold and long, yet the eggs in the wood hatch every spring.

The only sure method is baking.

10-13-10, 04:49 PM
thats what i thought the guy at the reptile store told me that what if i spray it in nix solution

how long and what temperature

10-13-10, 05:26 PM
NIX works well for treating mites, but I'd pass on using it for prophylactic measures.

When I bake my stuff, I soak it with water first, Then while it is sopping wet put it in the oven in a pan and bake it at 400 for about 10-12 minutes. I monitor closely and watch the steam sizzle out.

Take it out and let it cool. It should actually still be damp, but steam is a potent sterilization method, and wetting it first prevents fires. ;)

10-13-10, 08:04 PM
and what about the sticks that wont
fit in the oven

10-13-10, 08:13 PM
Buy a bigger oven.
As for Wayne's advice: spot on (I concur).

10-13-10, 08:40 PM
and what about the sticks that wont
fit in the oven

A wooden dowel wrapped with fake vine makes a great branch and eliminates the worry.

Go to a craft store and save some money...

10-14-10, 03:13 AM
A wooden dowel wrapped with fake vine makes a great branch and eliminates the worry.

Go to a craft store and save some money...
Or better yet, a dollar store.

I got a bunch of fake vines at the dollar stor for....(You ready for this?) A buck a piece!:yes:

10-14-10, 03:16 AM
Dollar General has them. ;)

10-14-10, 03:29 AM
Good Morning Wayne!

10-14-10, 10:04 AM
i take branches from living trees then i

wieght them down in the bath

fill bath with water mixed with bleach

scrub the branches with a scrubbing brush

then leave to soak for 8 to 12 hours

then i let the water out the bath

spray down with the shower head and give another light scrub with the brush

then fill bath back up with clean water and leave to soak over night

remember to wiegh down the branches so they are under the water

another quick rinse with the shower head

then take out and place in a warm cuboard to dry out.

then imo they are ready to use in your tank

cheers shaun