View Full Version : Ball Python new cage question

10-13-10, 02:55 PM
I plan on moving my ball python into a 20 long within the next year. He's in a 40 gallon breeder and has been in that for the past year. I was wondering if this is okay for him.

10-13-10, 03:27 PM
fish tanks are for fishes, you should get at least a 3'x2'x1' tall vivarium for your ball python. :) i would build a 4 foot long because, why not sheet of wood come in 4x8 may as well, instead of wasteing it.

10-13-10, 06:46 PM
Did i read this right? You want to move it from a 40 gallon to a 20 gallon long? The last thing you want to do is move a snake that's getting bigger into a smaller cage.:no: If you check site like craiglist or kingsnake.com some time you can find use cage cheap in your area. I found 4 4x2x1 boaphile cages for only $300.00.:yes: New they run $200.00 each. Or you can always build something.:)

10-13-10, 07:47 PM
''I found 4 4x2x1 boaphile cages for only $300.00. New they run $200.00 each. Or you can always build something.''-------------- counter productive much?

10-13-10, 08:07 PM
I knowww. I do not have the funds to buy a $200-$300 terrarium for him. If you'd like to help me out with that than feel free :) I know BPs do not need the space like a jungle carpet python does which is for the downgrade in size.

My question is will it have an negative affect on my BP?

I have searched and searched for cages on craigslist and have yet to find an affordable cage for him. As of now he is kickin it in his 40gal breeder. When my JCP gets bigger and needs a larger space than the 20long I plan to swap eachother with the cages. Until I find a cheaper and bigger cage this is my plan.

What are the negative effects this could have?

10-13-10, 08:11 PM
"''I found 4 4x2x1 boaphile cages for only $300.00. New they run $200.00 each. Or you can always build something.''-------------- counter productive much?"

4 Boaphile cages for $300 = $75 a cage.
They're $200 each new.
How is that "counter-productive"?

OP, since you didn't mention how old/big your ball python is, I cannot provide an accurate assessement as to whether or not you made a good choice.

10-13-10, 08:19 PM
4 Boaphile cages for $300 = $75 a cage.
They're $200 each new.
How is that "counter-productive"?

OP, since you didn't mention how old/big your ball python is, I cannot provide an accurate assessement as to whether or not you made a good choice.

Ohhhh I totally read his post wrong. Link me to these $75 cages.

My BP is about 35 inches. Eats about once every 2 weeks and sometime once every 3 weeks. He is 2 years 2 months old

10-13-10, 08:19 PM
my bad i didnt read it correctly i didnt realize there were 4

10-13-10, 08:28 PM
this is my new favorite link, How to build 4x2 enclosure for $100 - Redtailboa.net (http://www.redtailboa.net/forums/how-tos-tutorials/28742-how-build-4x2-enclosure-100-a.html) i just finished building this cage for one of my snakes, total including everything start to finish i spent $80.

10-14-10, 04:48 PM
I found them on kingsnake.com. Found a ball python breeder 20 mile from me who was down sizing. Used but in perfect shape.:)

10-15-10, 04:30 AM
Check your local craigslist in the pet section, or the freebies. Really though, a 40 breeder has more space than a 20 long. I'd stick with the 40. Alternately, if you'd like to diplay your animal, try to make a viv with recycled materials.