View Full Version : new enclosures

10-08-10, 05:20 PM
so how do you think these would do as enclosures for my 2 snakes and how would i supply heat with a lamp or a heat pad onto these

10-08-10, 05:24 PM
Ummm, first thought - how are you gonna secure the lid? Apart from that a heat mat under that tub should be ok

10-08-10, 05:30 PM
the sliding one i have no idea but the one with a lid has 2 latches one on each side

10-08-10, 05:35 PM
Might need more than the catches, looks kinda like the tub i feed my corns in, my adult one pushes the lid off when she has finished eating without any real effort, woukd hate for you to go to the effort of changing things just for an escape to happen.

10-08-10, 05:43 PM
they are 3 stage latches but i beleive you. i havnt bought them yet so i think i will just wait till i can afford some wood and a thing of glass

10-08-10, 05:44 PM
rob is correct that second one is the same i had my blood in and she escaped on me with my pit roaming the house but like he said to heat mats work good wit the tubs

10-08-10, 05:48 PM
how do i fix the problem. can i just drill a hole in each side and put a padlock thru it?

rob is correct that second one is the same i had my blood in and she escaped on me with my pit roaming the house but like he said to heat mats work good wit the tubs

fyi he was talking of the first

10-08-10, 07:39 PM
take the lids off and build a rack, :)

10-08-10, 08:07 PM
-_- easier said then dont but im working on it

10-09-10, 03:33 AM
how do i fix the problem. can i just drill a hole in each side and put a padlock thru it?
Drill the hole on each side then use a bolt with a wing nut works perfected. Also the second tub would be better. If you can find one deeper that be even better.

10-09-10, 03:39 AM
I'd agree with marvel, plastic is easy to secure. Very forgiving to drill into. Just make sure the containers are big enough.

10-09-10, 06:04 PM
so a pull drawer kind of tub is best?

10-09-10, 06:12 PM
I have our baby carpet in a small rubbermaid with a locking top. But he is very small and will soon be transferred to a larger enclosure. The problem with the drawer tubs is that there is space above and around the tub, so there is a potential escape point. What you want is something with a secure lid, and ventilation holes. You can secure the top any way you wish really, C-clamps, vice grips, drill holes in the lip and put little clips through it. Anything so that the snake cannot push the top up enough to even get a small opening. They can fit through amazingly small places. I had a 2 year old BP that slithered uner a half inch gap in a closet door. And I had a 4 year old male bp that was eating large rats, (He was a good 2" diameter.) Fit through the handle of a milk jug.

Good Luck! Let us know what you find.

10-09-10, 06:16 PM
ok i think im going to go get some rubber maids and a drill