View Full Version : ANy snake able to fit in this tank?

10-07-10, 12:27 PM
What snake would fit in an 18x18x24 exo terra? Just got the Cameroon tank and will modify it for a snake with accessories when I figure out which one. Thanks in advance!

10-07-10, 12:43 PM
garter snakes, not sure of corn/king snakes but i think so, kenya sand boa.

10-07-10, 12:46 PM
Too small for a corn or a king. a 3-4 foot snake would have almost no room to move around.

Garter snakes or Dekayi would be perfect.

10-07-10, 12:53 PM
:o oops, look who is red in the face now lol

10-07-10, 12:54 PM
Sounds like perfect dimensions for an Anole tank.

10-07-10, 12:59 PM
a crested gecko would be great in their. and they are so cute 2 lol

10-07-10, 02:17 PM
Considered a day gecko... but i like small climbing snakes.

10-07-10, 05:13 PM
Little known fact... The males are smallest at about 12-16 inches long.


10-07-10, 05:32 PM
I grew up with garters. Meh. Stinky freaks. Kinda bored if them. Though I did see a blue one. Peugeot Sound garter. Or something like that. Looks somewhat exotic.

10-07-10, 07:59 PM

He likes climbing around too, here he is eating about a foot off the floor while pearched on his climb.

Don't know how anyone could get bored, These things are hyper active all day long. I find most of the other snakes boring. I have some that only come out of their hide long enough to eat, then go back in, I have snakes that are active all night when I'm sleeping, again boring.

Exotic?? Hmmm let me see. ;)





10-07-10, 11:34 PM
well with your tank size your limited to a small few snakes, but to be honest garter are anything but boring, if you want a large snake that will wow the friends your going to need a much larger cage. if you want a snake that is highly active,climbs and looks great,and will fit your cage, reconsider the garter. i wish i could get one here. it would be mine all mine :) a 4'x2'x2' foot cage cheep to make would house a sweet carpet python :P wayne you should have posted that white one with the orange strip all the way down its back :) that one is beautifull!

10-08-10, 10:32 AM
You could always decide which snake you actually want to own for the next 20odd years and then get a viv to fit the snake........

10-09-10, 04:14 PM
I'm actually using one right now for my baby Rainbow. Should be good for a year and a bit then off to bigger and better. Mine is the 18x18x18 version.

10-09-10, 04:51 PM
:P wayne you should have posted that white one with the orange strip all the way down its back :) that one is beautifull!

Problem is, until the hets make more, that's the only one in captivity.

10-09-10, 11:40 PM
ya i remember you saying that, but that one would have blown his mind, lol that one alone would have made him an instant garter fan. well at least i was jaw dropped when i seen it :)

10-10-10, 08:01 AM
ive never seen anyone near me with a garter so i didnt know they were so varied and colourfull.... youre pretty much stuck with garters unless you can find room for a larger viv.... Id take some time and think about it

10-14-10, 03:40 AM
any young snak would thrive in there at least for a while excep retics and anacondas you woud just have to devote some time on a new viv here is a link freebody loves

How to build 4x2 enclosure for $100 - Redtailboa.net (http://www.redtailboa.net/forums/how-tos-tutorials/28742-how-build-4x2-enclosure-100-a.html)