View Full Version : Hognose tank. This an ok size?

10-03-10, 07:29 AM
Can you keep a male hognose in a 12x12x12 for life? I was told yes, but Id like to get more opinions from people who would really know as Ive never owned one. Im thinking with some hiding spots and a heat pad and a dish... it might be too small. (Not sure if hognose climb branches etc)

10-03-10, 07:36 AM
You probably could, depending on how large he got. In general, male hognoses don't get much longer than a foot. Hognoses are temperate climate snakes, and therefore like moderate temps in the low '80s. With that small an enclosure, make sure you have a good rheostat or thermostat hooked up to your heating pad or light so that you don't cook the little guy.

10-04-10, 10:31 AM
I think Im going to get the 18x18x24 size.

10-04-10, 12:16 PM
that would be the safest route to go i would think but the 12x12x12 would probably work out fine too

10-04-10, 12:23 PM
Problem is its a tall. Hognose snakes dont climb right? So I might give the snake my geckos 15 Gallon long tank and put gecko in Exo tank...

10-04-10, 12:27 PM
how many geckos (i am assuming leopard geckos) do you have? if you only have 2 i would say that may be ok (i don't own geckos but i know that 2 can be fine in a 10 gallon tank). i would get a 10 or 15 gallon for the hog though. it would be cheaper than the exo terra.

10-04-10, 04:54 PM
My larger hogs do great in the 15 footprint. Males usually are 12-18in and females 22-30in. So a male would be a better pic for you sizes but a female is not out of the question.
