View Full Version : Water Snake Injesting substrate

09-26-10, 04:58 PM
My Northern water snake just ate substrate, I just put her back in her tank from her feeding tank and she opened her mouth and got substrate in it. I'm using is small aspen chips as substrate. Should I be worried about impaction or will it be fine? Any help will be appreciated!!!

09-26-10, 05:36 PM
She can spit most out on her own and do OK, keep an eye on her though.

09-27-10, 06:20 PM
I would remove the substrates from your feed tank. She should be fine just keep a eye on her.

09-28-10, 12:48 PM
Thanks for the replies!

I would remove the substrates from your feed tank. She should be fine just keep a eye on her.
It wasn't in the feeding tank. She just opened her mouth in her normal tank. :yes:

09-28-10, 12:57 PM
Snakes ingest substrate all the time as long as it is small it will be passed if swallowed.
They do not have a spotless dinner plate to eat off of in the wild afterall ;)
As long as folks avoid anything with big chunks or long "sliver like" pieces they will likely be just fine.
Some of my snakes get substrate in their mouths all the time & they tend to get most all of it out just fine, Mark

09-29-10, 10:29 AM
ive had plenty of my carpets injest aspen.it did them no harm at all.i now use newspaper to give me peace of mind

cheers shaun