View Full Version : Question about help after feeding (Substrate in mouth/pits)

09-22-10, 10:34 PM
So I had an eventful night feeding my Jungle. Fed her in a seperate cage that has a log, plastic tray with the fuzzy mouse, and coconut substrate (eco earth). When she grabbed the mouse, it went into the substrate and well, she had a mouthful. Half of her mouth was closed while the other half was still unhinged due to the substrate not allowing her to close it.:eek:

This had me very worried, as I never ran into this with my corn. I didn't know what to do, so I misted her tank, put her back in and left her alone. It looks like most of it is gone, her mouth looks to be fully closed as well.

My only concern is that I noticed a very small piece of the coconut substrate in her "pit" that run along side her lower jaw. It looks like it is literally wedged in the rear most "pit" or opening. Not sure the real name of it. Size wise it might around a couple of grains of sand. She looks content, well fed (shes a fatty right now after eating), and happily exploring her enclosure. Should I be concerned or after a shed or two should it be removed as she gets bigger? I would think the size of the pits would get bigger as she does. I see absolutely no easy way to get it out. Hoping it comes out on its own.

Here is a photo of her, and about how big the piece of substrate is. And the arrow points to where it is, except the other side. NOTE: This is not a photo of her now, just using it to demonstrate where and how big the substrate is.


09-22-10, 11:15 PM
I would give her a soak an see if that doesn't help it come out or you could remove it yourself. Pick her up and get her right behide the head and squeeze on both side of the back of her jaw. This will make her moth open then stick her head under some running water to wash it out. JUST BE VERY CAREFULLY you don't want to drown her. I have had to do both before and they both worked fine. But first try putting her in a tub with water and let her soak. Hopefully this will work as it a lot less stressful on the snake and you than doing the other way. If it don't come out it should when she sheds. Best of luck!

09-22-10, 11:24 PM
This is exactly why I feed my snakes in tubs or while I hold them, no risk of this happening.

09-23-10, 05:02 AM
I normal put their food in a 8' deep bowl layed on it's side so they have to crawl to the back of it to get their food. Three of mine are on news paper and three have repi bark in their cages to help with humidity.

09-23-10, 07:24 AM
I would give her a soak an see if that doesn't help it come out or you could remove it yourself. Pick her up and get her right behide the head and squeeze on both side of the back of her jaw. This will make her moth open then stick her head under some running water to wash it out. JUST BE VERY CAREFULLY you don't want to drown her. I have had to do both before and they both worked fine. But first try putting her in a tub with water and let her soak. Hopefully this will work as it a lot less stressful on the snake and you than doing the other way. If it don't come out it should when she sheds. Best of luck!

This sounds fun:rolleyes:. I'll give her a couple days to digest and not stress her out and then if it is still there I will try this.

I also read about holding her behind the head and using a business card to make her open her mouth. I think this would be less stressfull (for me) than trying to figure out how and where to squezze her to get her to open it herself. Yay or nay?

This is exactly why I feed my snakes in tubs or while I hold them, no risk of this happening.

Agreed! I am removing all the coconut fiber from her feeding enclosure and just leaving the log she perches on and the dish with the food. That way there isn't anything she can get stuck to the food.

09-23-10, 10:46 AM
My jungle feeds in his cage but whilst up on his perch - that way no worries about the substrate. He just hangs off the perch whilst swallowing then climbs back on and goes to sleep.

09-23-10, 02:54 PM
I also read about holding her behind the head and using a business card to make her open her mouth. I think this would be less stressfull (for me) than trying to figure out how and where to squezze her to get her to open it herself. Yay or nay

I seen it done just be careful not to break it teeth when pulling it out.

09-23-10, 06:00 PM
She is hiding in her coconut hide at the moment. All curled up. When I change over to night I will observe her. I'll pull her out Sunday night or monday to check up on her and if needed i'll try the business card trick carefully.

09-23-10, 08:04 PM
I always read about this, can say its never happens to me, and I feed live in her aquarium to my ball python... once in a very very great while she will get a piece of jungle earth in her mouth, I just pick it out... she's extremely calm and let's me pet her head, any ways.... it might come out when she gets a drink?

09-25-10, 02:24 PM
I'm giving her till tomorrow afternoon to digest. After that I'll check her out. From what I can see now, it doesn't look like it is there anymore so I might be OK.

09-25-10, 07:09 PM
In the wild snakes get craploads of stuff in their mouth when they hunt/eat.
As long as it isn't a long sliver it will be just fine I'm sure, Mark

09-29-10, 11:32 AM
i used to use aspen as a substrate but i know use newspaper for peace of mind

the times when one of mine got substrate stuck in their mouth i used a small wooden rod to open the mouth then remove the substrate with sterile plastic tweezers.i dont like using anything metal on their mouths for fear of damaging teeth etc

cheers shaun