View Full Version : savs as pets
09-12-10, 12:43 PM
are Savannah monitors good pets. how bad are their bites. i know infernalis has one, is it good around people or a display pet.
09-12-10, 01:27 PM
im getting one at the next reptile expo in oct, already paid for it and he just going to bring it with him from alberta, i got some leachies off him last year and hes a real good guy so that why i already paid for it, just to keep it for me. I read lots and lots and they seem to make really good pets if your not new to owning reptiles, with proper handling and the proper set up right temps they are easilly tamed and stay healthy and eat well, just need to spend alot of time with them. they do have bad bites if they get you tho. i read they are more prone to tail whips tho.
Savy's need your attn and they need to trust you. If they don't trust you, it will tail whip you and if that fails, bite. They are smart, and will remember the things you do. It can take some time, but once they trust you, they can be some very "friendly" lizards.
Your biggest issue, is their big sharp claws, these claws can do some damage even if the savy is sitting quietly. Keep a nicely stocked 1st aid kit on hand, just in case it decide to climb up your leg hehe.
09-12-10, 01:59 PM
Right on about the claws. We raised Chomper right from the egg, But when he climbs on you, those claws sometimes draw blood.
I got to play with a baby savy, maybe 6" long, and everywhere it walked on my arm it left little pinpricks of blood leaking up.
I wonder if you could use a pedipaws things on their claws hehe.
09-12-10, 03:03 PM
ya i had a nile monitor abou 3 1/5 feet when i gave it away a couple months back when they banned it here and its to hard to discreatly keep a full grown nile with out a permit, :( well his claws were the same way he would just walk across my arm and each nail would stick in pretty far and leave a blood path of nail marks lol and he would get pissed off for no reason sometimes and clinch my leg or arm and they would stick in almost 1/8 inch and then he would tear them out like a cat and you could hear your skin ripping a few time i should have gone for stiches but i never did, i would bgring him out calm him down and while he layed beside me i would take nail clippers and cut the very tips of his nails and that worked great but somtime he would remain in a bad mood for days on end so i could not clip them for sometime and he would get me again lol i miss him tho, i would never have gotten rid of him if they didnt make them illegal here. oh word of wrning you may want to buy a charcoal filter to clean the air of bad fecal odor as i had that problem when he ate fish. it was the worst thing you could smell. eye watering bad lol
09-12-10, 03:45 PM
Chomper dropped a deuce down the front of me once, it was the absolute grossest thing on earth.
Getting clawed is just part of it you learn to cope with.
Keeping any wild animal in a captive enviroment requires that we adapt as well. I don't really notice it that much anymore.
Fun stuff showing off the marks, But I play rough with cats too, so my arms frequently look like I have a depression problem.
09-12-10, 04:24 PM
I love Savs, they are like big puppies once they are used to you. I miss mine a lot.
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