View Full Version : i know she ate

08-30-10, 04:04 PM
my early 2010 ball python ate yesterday for the first time. i watched her eat yet i see no bulge. i dont think the prey was to small because i feed her an adult mouse. what do u guys think. shes getting switched to rats later in the year but is it just fast digestion.

08-30-10, 04:08 PM
if you post a pic for us beside somthing that we can relate the size of your snake by ie like a pop can or somthing that would help, i have never kept a ball before so i cant use past experience for ya, im sure you will get an answere the same as mine until the pic is posted :) an adult mouse for a 2010 sounds like it should be good tho. but like i said...

08-30-10, 04:45 PM
They`re so muscley anyway it can be difficult to see the bulge with Royals. As long as the food item was just a little thicker than the thickest part of the snake, it`s ok...

08-30-10, 05:02 PM
Do a really good check of its tub/viv - make sure there is no regurged mouse - if not it has eaten and in a couple of days you will be required for cleaning!!