View Full Version : This picture infuriates me!!

08-26-10, 03:57 PM
I just saw this moron post on another forum, claims to be a "reptile breeder"

Inside that film bottle is a cut up no pest strip!! these give off toxic vapours! he claims this is a proper mite treatment!!

My emotions just went off the charts!! I am sad for those snakes and angry at the owner.

2 royals in a tote, locked in with poison strips:mad::mad:


08-26-10, 05:09 PM
Oh maaaan :( Pm him and tell him ! Just a polite pm, you never know he might listen.... That`s really bad :( Mites are so easy to treat aswell. :( Unforgivable.

08-26-10, 05:38 PM
Worst yet i noticed a water bowl in there. Which means if they drink it their as good as dead. 13 years ago i killed a green patternless burm, because i was told to treat mite that way, but to make sure to take the water out. I left the water in with the no pest strip. A day later dead burm. I would just PM him and tell him a different way he could treat them very politely and how it could kill them. If that don't work rip him a new one.

08-26-10, 05:43 PM
I posted immediatly how I felt and backed it up with real scientific data.

08-26-10, 05:47 PM
I posted immediatly how I felt and backed it up with real scientific data.
Lets hope he open minded and takes your advice.

08-26-10, 06:09 PM
At the very least let's hope that no one follows his "advice" explaining how to do this.

If I had edit buttons there, that post would have vanished, that's how much it bothers me.

I did not PM him, because the other forum members need to know that this is the crappiest advice ever posted.

08-27-10, 03:36 AM
Yeah right!! That`s so bad isn`t it :( Lets hope he listens. Lets hope if his snakes die he admits it for the sake of anyone that might listen to his "Advice" :(

08-27-10, 08:04 AM
aaaaaargh this really gets to me.....!!!

i hate it when some IDIOT posts a thread claiming its a safe way to do something with your snakes when its so obviously wrong.....!!!

was it a uk forum by any chance wayne ?

just we've got more than our fair share of idiots overe here.

id like to take the guy who posted it fill a large polly bag with some toxic crap then hold his head inside the bag while i held it shut round his neck.see how he felt being put in the same position as his poor snakes.

by toxic crap i dont mean something that would kill him.maybe something like poisin ivy or such like.something that would irratate the hell out of him.

rant over,sorry folks

cheers shaun

08-27-10, 08:48 AM
Ugh, that infuriates me as well. What's more, you can clearly see the newspaper "bedding" is wet and there are several spots of urates visible. So not only is he touting a dangerous mite treatment method, he's also showing off his less-than-stellar keeping conditions. That tub is also way too small for both of those royals, unless he is trying to breed them. And he should not be actively trying to breed them while they are being treated for mites. Ugh, *steam comes out of ears*.

09-30-10, 10:54 AM
well if you ask me, i think if you dont know how to keep up a python and how to treat it whats wrong with it then you shouldnt have one! some of the things i have heard people post is just crazy. like the other day on yahoo anwsers someone posted a question saying "HELP! i think my turtle is choking!'" if you think your animal is choking dont post it TAKE IT TO THE VET!

09-30-10, 12:34 PM
I know that no single one of us can save the world, But I joined Yahoo answers and post on there a few times a week just for that reason.

The flow of misinformation is astounding.. So if you go and fix even just a few of those wrong answers it gives you something to feel good about.

09-30-10, 01:19 PM
yeah it`s very difficult for the begginer for that reason. There`s soooo much incorrect information about snakes on the net! As you say it`s astounding.....

09-30-10, 04:39 PM
yeah i was sooo happy the firts time i got voted best anwser haha.

10-05-10, 05:21 PM

12-07-10, 04:19 PM
wow ! is it really that hard to go to a reptile shop and get some mite spray? they are beautiful ,,, hope they are alright. hate to see people own animals that they are not capable of taking proper care of .

12-07-10, 07:15 PM
That is absolutely despicable. I'm sick to my stomach, poor snakes.

12-16-10, 02:43 PM
wow poor snakey"s !!!!

12-16-10, 04:43 PM
That is very sad,, I feel for those snakes and all the other snake that he supposedly breeds. Its people like this that give us herpers bad names. He does not derserve these beautiful animals:(