View Full Version : Hey everyone Meet Isis
08-26-10, 11:50 AM
This is my baby Isis she is about 3 years old. And i have had her since may 2nd 2010 she ate 3 days afer I got her and the person I got her frome loved her very much. she is a Dumeril boas. I keep her cage about 85 to 90 on the hot side andand about 70 to 75 on the cool side and she seems to love it as she moves all over her cage at nite. Se is also a registered service animal :) for me. and my sochal angzieties and she is a sweet haert unless your a mouse or small rat. I know people dont like it but she will only eat live prey. I tried frozen thawed and she did not even look at it. as soon as a live mouse was offered she gobbeled it up so live food for my girl she is like most dums I have met as well calm and well manored for a snake
08-26-10, 03:33 PM
08-26-10, 05:22 PM
Hello and welcome!
Se is also a registered service animal :) for me. ????? What's that?
08-26-10, 06:09 PM
welcome to the forum :) we love pics ? lol
08-27-10, 09:18 AM
dumerals have to be registered and chipped over here chuck.i think its because they're on an endangered species list.
i could be wrong mate but im pretty sure thats what its about.
re live feeding
you wont get no stick from me as i honestly believe that if live feeding is neccessary for an individual snake then its ok.the alternative being letting the snake starve to death.
its only the idiots that post live feeds on you tube that make me they most likely do it for the shock factor and get all reptile keepers lumped into the same category.
look forward to some pictures of your collection
welcome to the forum
cheers shaun
08-28-10, 12:41 PM
hey I got some picks up im going to try and put theme here she just shed and is looking good
08-28-10, 03:03 PM
She looks really nice.
Se is also a registered service animal :) for me.
As in like a seeing eye dog or helper monkey would be? Or do you mean something else.
Over here Shauy service animal are used to help handicap people or a least that what i always heared them called.
08-28-10, 03:27 PM
I have anxiety isseus with large groops of people she helps keep me frome panicing in public. I go out more now that I have her.
08-28-10, 03:55 PM
I see cool. So do you take her with you then when you go out or does just having her around at home help you with your anxiety? If you do take her with you do you carry her in a bag or wrap around your arm? Sorry for all the question it just so cool to hear of a snake being use for a service animal.
08-28-10, 11:52 PM
I see cool. So do you take her with you then when you go out or does just having her around at home help you with your anxiety? If you do take her with you do you carry her in a bag or wrap around your arm? Sorry for all the question it just so cool to hear of a snake being use for a service animal.
Yahhh I carry her on my neck on my arm where ever i want. And she never gos in the bag . If she is not wecome I dont go
08-29-10, 09:15 AM
I love the Dumerils species, very beautiful patterning. I handled one at the reptile show. Very calm pretty snake she was.
08-29-10, 04:56 PM
I love the Dumerils species, very beautiful patterning. I handled one at the reptile show. Very calm pretty snake she was.They are also very easy to care for. they like to be on the ground so they need very few things for climeing on I will post a pick of my cage set up soon she realy seems to like it and they are a semi arid snake so all you need is a water bowel for them and she is a aggresive eater she ate 2 rat pups yesterday.:yes: and is still enjoying a good rest.
08-29-10, 05:03 PM
dumerals have to be registered and chipped over here chuck.i think its because they're on an endangered species list.
i could be wrong mate but im pretty sure thats what its about.
re live feeding
you wont get no stick from me as i honestly believe that if live feeding is neccessary for an individual snake then its ok.the alternative being letting the snake starve to death.
its only the idiots that post live feeds on you tube that make me they most likely do it for the shock factor and get all reptile keepers lumped into the same category.
look forward to some pictures of your collection
welcome to the forum
cheers shaun your rite if you are going to post a live feeding video it should only show you how to do it rite. To keep your snake safe and to make it as humane as possable for your prey animals. ( after all it sucks to be them enough) thanks for your reply
08-29-10, 05:03 PM
Great looking snake, i would upsize your food items though. Im sure she could handle large adult rats very easily
08-29-10, 08:12 PM
I'd have to agree with percy. My BCI is 2' 2" and he eats a small rat with very little visible bulge afterward. Still, gorgeous snake, thanks for the pics!
08-30-10, 07:12 AM
I have anxiety isseus with large groops of people she helps keep me frome panicing in public. I go out more now that I have her.
thats great that your snake helps you
we have animals like that over hear,blind dogs,hearing dogs for blind and deaf people.
as chuck said its really cool to hear of a snake helping someone in this way.
cheers shaun
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