View Full Version : new snakes tomorow at 12 pm
08-24-10, 06:33 PM
going to buy a 1.3 possible het albino jag carpet package with the male being 66% possible het. pic 1 is the male the other 3 are females .Knock on wood for me everyone please, with any luck, a few years from now ill have siblings of the first albino jag carpets. :Wow:
08-24-10, 06:35 PM
Congrats! Can't wait to see some more pics of this bad boys.
08-24-10, 06:43 PM
thx!! Im SOO excited, and so scared of turning out unlucky. i emailed him a few weeks ago and he told about the package he was going to do when they were ready , i seen him post them just now and i called and said SOLD! to my ever growing dept list lol i got a good feeling about this :P
08-24-10, 06:44 PM
oh yeah the females are 50% possible het so the odds are with me but its going to take a great deal of luck to get a albino jag baby one day.
08-24-10, 07:06 PM
That would be sweet a bunch of little albino carpet.
08-24-10, 08:07 PM
Congrats Freebody. I wish you the best of luck-they are good-looking little ones at any rate! :)
08-24-10, 09:35 PM
thank you very much, im not a betting man but when i seen how nice they were anyways,i figure if worst come to worst ill still be a proud daddy :) I cant wait to get to henry's place and hold the worlds first albino jags,thats sure is going to something, and check out the rest of his collection of beautifull snakes.
Michael Roth
08-25-10, 01:12 AM
This one is incredible
08-25-10, 10:00 AM
ya i really like that salmon pink color, im hoping its not just the way the pic was done or a reflection of some sort, or that she hold the color as she gets older as well.
08-25-10, 10:27 AM
This one is incredible
was just thinking that
really unusual colour on that one.would love to see a better picture of it.
theyre all nice mate just the colour really caught my eye on her.
well mate you are well and truely a fully fledged morelia addict
CONGRATULATIONS on that and your new morelia
cheers shaun
08-25-10, 11:20 AM
Congrats - have they arrived yet?
08-25-10, 11:57 AM
Those are some great looking little snakes! Congrats! And good luck with them!
08-25-10, 04:19 PM
OH YEAH!! they are home :) all the 50% possible hets are red like a bredle, and the 66% possible het male is one of hell stunning, no light in color, i was holding the albino jags when i was their. OMG they are somthing else, so happy to have gotten to hold them, he let me pick which ones i wanted out of all the hets he had, i piced the brightest red ones he had for females and the lightest jag he had, now for the 3+ year wait to see if i get for being an addict... yup their is no denying it now, im addicted to morelia :) best addiction i ever had in my life :)
08-25-10, 04:30 PM
i'm so happy for you mate
they sound and look very interesting.
it will be worth the wait mate,especially if some albino jags pop out.
you would then be one of the select few in the world with them.
cant wait to see how this plays out.
cheers shaun
08-25-10, 05:26 PM
Congrats! When they settle in we want more pics.
08-25-10, 06:36 PM
Big congrats! Can't wait to see more pics as they settle in and grow for you!!
08-25-10, 06:59 PM
here are some better pics :) 2 of the male jag and 1 of each female, 2 came out as soon as i opened the lid and put the container i took them home in their new tub, and the other 2 are still hiding in theirs :) thank for all the good luck everyone. i got a good feeling ill get albino jags later, the jags got white on him i never seen that before but then again i have not seen alot of jags so maybe im partially bias as im hoping so much lol and the hets or regular coastals i see are not so red, they almost look the color of most of the baby jags i have seen but with the regular pattern and darker of course but the redish brick color you normally see.
08-25-10, 07:10 PM
I've been addicted to a lotta worse things. Morelia is a wonderful thing. Can't waith to see how they turn out.
What is the possible pair crosing given those het%'s?
08-25-10, 07:13 PM
What is the possible pair crosing given those het%'s?
The percentages never really matter for what may be in the clutch if that's what your asking. If a single parent turns out to be a het then all the babies will be 100% het albino with some being jags. If both are hets you'll get 25% albino 75% non-albinos. 50% of the non-albinos will be het and the rest won't be. That's the 66% poss hets. I don't know how the jag morph works if it's co-dom or not but they'll be in there too!
08-25-10, 07:47 PM
I don't know how the jag morph works either...yet but ill figure it out soon enough, I'm under the impression its the same way the albino works. as far as it goes i got real good odds i got at least 1 female het but if that male is not a het it don't matter if all the females turn out het, ill still never produce an albino. but at least ill definitely produce jags from all 3 clutched later so I can't lose even if i don't get lucky and have the male turn out het as well as a female.
08-26-10, 06:50 AM
They're beautiful. On the Jag gene either they are jag aren't sibling don't carrie the gene. Mark explain it perfect in this thread.
08-26-10, 11:57 AM
a sweet that makes perfect sence :) if its got the jag pattern, it is a jag.....if it doest have the jag pattern, it isnt a jag.... thats nice and clear. :)
08-26-10, 12:56 PM
As stated previously a Jag is a Jag is a Jag, if its not, it never will be or will never produce any either, without being bred to a jaguar of course LOL
Its pretty straight forward odds when breeding a Jag to a "normal" 50/50.
Getting quite the collection going now eh?
I'll be looking forward to seeing Henry in Red Deer this weekend, hopefully he stays away from my pocketbook? LOL Mark
08-26-10, 01:10 PM
The percentages never really matter for what may be in the clutch if that's what your asking. If a single parent turns out to be a het then all the babies will be 100% het albino with some being jags. If both are hets you'll get 25% albino 75% non-albinos. 50% of the non-albinos will be het and the rest won't be. That's the 66% poss hets. I don't know how the jag morph works if it's co-dom or not but they'll be in there too!
NO a het parent does not make for 100% het babies, sorry.
Only using an Albino would guarrantee all offspring being hets.
IF the male & female BOTH turn out to be hets there will be Albinos & 66% pos hets.
IF 1 of the parents ends up being a het & the other not the babies will be 50% pos hets.
Due to this one may have to breed out a couple generations to prove out the parental & offsprings genes.
Best bet is too get a 100% het animal or better yet an Albino (ya right eh?) to be able to prove things out first go round of breeding, rather than another full generation.
Breed the het or albino to the pos hets & prove them out first breedings, otherwise it can become a long process, but of course worth it in the long run. Mark
P.S. thus why I broke down & grabbed 2 male Granite IJs to breed to my 3 50% pos het girls next year rather than just breeding them to pos het males or even het males. Reguardless of the outcome on the pos het females I know ALL the offspring will be 100% het Granites.
Working with only pos hets makes for a bit of a "crap shoot" & can take a 2nd generation of breedings to prove out some of the hets or not.
08-26-10, 06:05 PM
hey mark, thx again for the womas and diamonds, they are so sweet :) your the man!! im so happy with how everything went,great snakes, great packaging, im very happy :) as for the the collection ya im getting a good one going now, i plan to become a breeder in around 4 years when all my babies im gathering are of mature age, not a full time breeder ill work full tiem just breed snake to buy more crazy expensive rare snakes and pay for all my toys and stuff and the food bills, you know how it is :P as for staying out of henrys pocket book LOL good luck wait till you see those albino jags whoooo man they are somthing special to say the least and hes got some pastel sugars and super pastel sugar balls that are incredibly salmon pink color. nicest ball python i ever seen... you getting the granite ij from don patterson? i was looking at them a couple months back. very nice! i wish ya the best of luck on producing them, in a few years ill probably buy a couple off you. check out the head pics site i posted a pic of the female diamond eating her first pinky rat since i got her from you :) right off her perch and ate it hanging upside down, doesnt get any cooler than them :) Thx again im so happy with them.
08-26-10, 06:30 PM
I've actually had 2 male Granites already now for quite some time.
They are 2008s & both were obtained thru Don yep.
I have had 100% hets for quite a few years now as well.
In 2009 I got 13 slugs from my het to het pairing & she didn't do anything this year.
Problem isn't her IMHO but him, I have seen him show ZERO interest in her both years DOH! I did have a 2nd male that I sold in 2008 too, which in hindsight I should have kept & may have made some granites already?
Hopefully the 2 young males are super horny this winter & will breed both het girls as well as the 3 pos het ones as well?
I have 5 girls to try this winter anyhow & should at the very least produce some hets & hopefully some granites as well (tocuhes wood LOL).
When I got my first granite they were 4X the price they are now DOH! LOL Mark
08-26-10, 06:59 PM
oh sweet, to bad the others didnt work tho, isnt that asways the way get rid of somthing because you figure you dont need so many,then have the one you have break and now your in need of it and kicking yourself, well in your case it the male not producing but just the general idea sounds like my bad luck lol. I really hope you get some this year, they still hold a good price tag so you will make some nice cash out of a litter, and they look so cool. i fell in love with the granite burns year and years ago and when i seen the granite carpet pics i was thinking OH thats perfect !! keep us posted on your success, i would love to see some pics.
08-26-10, 07:29 PM
Ya I have approx $17,500 invested into the project so far, plus rodents, bedding, time etc. so I'm looking forward to hopefully seing some return on that :o LOL Mark
08-26-10, 08:27 PM
:Wow::Wow: wow, well in that case I'll cross my all my fingers ya lol it sounds like the price of them went way down then.
08-26-10, 08:41 PM
First Granite I bought was 8G :eek: They can be bought for around 2G now, Mark
08-26-10, 08:58 PM
holly $%^ they came down that much in price since 2008? my god, hold out till next you might get some for free lol, i guess it most likley because in the past 2 years herping has way more than doubled in popularity as well as those selected few snake that came over years ago,their offsprings are now of age to breed so a massive plumit in price is expected? sound about right? looks like breeding ball pythons is the wave of the future tho, everyone and their cousin is breeding balls and selling off their other collections.
08-26-10, 09:14 PM
They only used to be available in Europe, but are now being bred here in Canada.
Heck the first pair of Jaguars I got cost 7G out of Germany.
Can pick up a pair for $400-$700 now.
I recall when Lucy BPs were 100G, first Mojave I held was 17G, Spiders were 30G etc. etc. etc. BP morphs drop like crazy LOL
The pairs of Womas & Diamonds you just got would have been 4G & 3G (7G) not so long back either.
I had Womas & Diamonds for 5 years prior breaking even.
As things become more readily available & also the current economy, things can drop in price quick.
Most morphs are directly comparable to a pyramid sceme, Mark
08-27-10, 12:10 AM
i beleive it, i have always loved snakes but to be honest i have only started venturing down the morph road for a few years, before that it was just a love for reg species so prices are all new to me in morphs, good for the collector terrible for the breeder :P i wonder if prices will ever increase again, i can only see it to continue to drop. when are feeders and equipment going to drop in price :P that would be a good day lol. Im sure on a + side, sales must be much more frequent? so what you lose in price per unit you make up with volume?
08-27-10, 08:14 AM
The percentages never really matter for what may be in the clutch if that's what your asking. If a single parent turns out to be a het then all the babies will be 100% het albino with some being jags. If both are hets you'll get 25% albino 75% non-albinos. 50% of the non-albinos will be het and the rest won't be. That's the 66% poss hets. I don't know how the jag morph works if it's co-dom or not but they'll be in there too!
jag genes a co dom mate
cheers shaun
08-27-10, 08:38 AM
First Granite I bought was 8G :eek: They can be bought for around 2G now, Mark
ron w in europe has 2 visual granite irian jaya's up for sale at 700 euro's each.they are a pair as well.
thats the only visuals ive ever seen at anywhere near that price mate.
im sure you will still do very well in canada
i remember in 2008 i saw visual granites and they were 9000 euro's each.
i wish you all the best in this coming season mark.i hope all 5 of your girls throw out some granites.
you most certainly deserve a result like that mate.
you've done more than your fair share re supplying high quality morelia to canada.
all the best shaun
08-27-10, 11:32 AM
THX guys!
I take it as it comes & its usually all good.
I just wanted to make the point that it can take upto 5 years to break even in many cases.
Hardly a money making venture LOL but it pays the bills & I have lots of cool snakes, so life could be far worse THX Mark
08-27-10, 10:05 PM
wow those are gorgeous! Congratulations man.
I know you've posted a couple times on my other thread and suggested carpet python as my next snake. Well I'm convinced... I went from king to gtp and now to carpet. I'm getting a carpet. They're gorgeous with awesome patterns and apparently good temperament.
Again congratulations on the awesome new roommates :)
08-27-10, 11:05 PM
thank you very much :) watch out i didnt believe how addicting they are either, be warned LOL like lays potatoe chips, you cant just have one :P
Michael Roth
08-27-10, 11:31 PM cant just have one :P
Isn't that the truth... Started the hobby a few years ago with two cornsnakes... now we have multiple specimens crossing many species, both snakes and lizards. Crazy.
08-28-10, 12:21 AM
lol it is the best addiction ever tho, you wont see me complaining, now my dads addicted as well, last week he got 2 corns, his first snakes since i was a baby, tomorow im going with him to buy 1.2 fire ball pythons. i cant wait to trade him for a black eyed lucy in a couple years as soon as he gets some :)
08-29-10, 07:44 PM
Don't be going too Snakee now ;) LOL :p Mark
P.s. is there such thing as too Snakee?
08-29-10, 07:57 PM
thank you very much :) watch out i didnt believe how addicting they are either, be warned LOL like lays potatoe chips, you cant just have one :P
I hear ya, I'm all ready scheming for the next one. (Hopefully the wife doesn't read this post.)
08-29-10, 08:30 PM
no the fires wont be mine,they are going to be dads im just going with him :P im calling it quits on new snakes for a while. at least until the next one LOL :laugh:
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