View Full Version : Please vote!

08-23-10, 09:37 AM
Please take a minute and vote for this organization to help fund reasearch and eventually find a cure for this very rare disease that is effecting my bosses 5 year old son!! Below is the email that was sent to me by him. His son is the one in the orange shirt in the video. Thanks to you all ahead of time.

Hannah's Hope Fund for GAN is up for voting for a $250k Pepsi Refresh Grant. We have moved up from 13th place last week to 5th place today. You can vote twice a day till 08-31-2010. Please forward this email to ALL of all of your email and Facebook contacts. We are on target to begin a clinical trial in the Fall of 2011 to treat these children including our son Ethan with gene therapy, else they will progress and die in their teens or early 20's after becoming quadriplegics, dependent on feeding tubes and ventilators. This money will go toward paying for the FDA required efficacy and safety studies in order to gain approval to begin a human clinical trial.

With deep appreciation,
Gelse and John
Please ask everyone you know to get at least 20 people to VOTE EVERY DAY for Hannah's Hope Fund to win a $250k Pepsi Refresh grant! Also, ask that they get 20 people to vote... the snowball effect is the only way Hannah's Hope Fund will win this!

We are competing against the other $250k applicants because only the top two applicants in this funding category that get the most votes, get the funding! So, please only vote for Hannah's Hope Fund in the $250k category. Get your kids voting too! College friends,
co-workers and neighbors, old high school friends, book clubs, girl and boy scout troops, baseball teams etc. Ask everyone you can think of and also ask that they post it to their facebook page.

You can vote 2 ways each day:

1) vote daily by texting 101885 to recipient 73774 (stands for pepsi).

2) vote on-line daily from valid email addresses at Help Hannah's Hope Fund fund a Clinical Trial for a treatment for GAN | Pepsi Refresh Everything (http://www.refresheverything.com/hannahshopefund)

(After you press the 'VOTE FOR THIS IDEA' button, you'll see a tiny Facebook and Twitter button. If you press the facebook button, you will be able to establish a link so you can easily vote from within facebook every day so you don't forget.)