View Full Version : tubs?

08-19-10, 12:25 PM
just wondering.. what kind of tubs you all use for your snakes? how do you heat them? i dont have ability to buy online so all i have togo with are my local pet stores and hardware stores /walmart.. just wondering what you all do and what brand ect you use?

08-19-10, 12:29 PM
You can use any type of plastic tub, and use a regular uth on a thermostat or flex watt tape, also on a thermostat.

08-19-10, 12:34 PM
ahh cool.. the uth heating pad wont melt the plasic?.. good to know then!

08-19-10, 12:52 PM
An UTH pad WILL ABSOLUTELY melt a plastic tub or bin, and may also burn down your house. A thermostat to regulate the temperatures is absolutely essential.

08-19-10, 12:54 PM

08-19-10, 12:59 PM
I guess I didn't stress the thermostat thing enough. Uth's get very very hot. I use a reptitemp 500r for my boa, cost me all of 35 bucks. I also have a homemade rheostat that I use for my corns that cost me less than 10 bucks to make.

If you use a rheostat make sure that you check your temps often because it will not adjust with the ambient temps of your house. Here is a link for the home built version.

How to make your own Rheostat for less than $7! Detailed instructions. - CornSnakes.com Forums (http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19168)

08-19-10, 09:54 PM
thanks a ton.. iv decided that since i am not breeding any time within the next year to just budget for another tank for our new baby..it is easier that way! and better off for the snake too!

08-19-10, 10:31 PM
sweet thx for that link, im going to make a few this weekend :)

08-21-10, 10:09 AM
i use heat mats on the outside of my tubs always with a thermostat.i have had no problems with this method.

cheers shaun

08-22-10, 01:49 PM
so i read in some places that a dimmer switch would work then? this thermostat thing seems a little daunting to me lol.. maybe its easier then i am thinking it would be?.. and a regular heating pad that sticks to the bottom of the tub correct?...sorry for all the questions.. new snakes coming soon and need to house them till i get paid a couple days after.

08-22-10, 02:00 PM
so i read in some places that a dimmer switch would work then? this thermostat thing seems a little daunting to me lol.. maybe its easier then i am thinking it would be?.. and a regular heating pad that sticks to the bottom of the tub correct?...sorry for all the questions.. new snakes coming soon and need to house them till i get paid a couple days after.

Yes, a rheostat and a dimmer are pretty much the same thing. A thermostat measures the temp and will adjust energy output to maintain that temp. A good thermostat can be expensive. Like I said before, a rheostat/dimmer will work just fine. But keep a close eye on your temps, because it will not adjust itself.

08-22-10, 02:03 PM
sweet thx for that link, im going to make a few this weekend :)

Did you end up making a few rheostats? Those things are awesome aren't they?

08-22-10, 02:14 PM
i got the stuff to make 1 but stll have not got around to putting it together :P cost me just shy of 15$ here from home depot. but ya they look great, i will only need incubator at later date ,and my 50 watt heat cord on my big cage i cant get upstairs the 50 watt heat cord taped to the bottom with no thermistate keeps the cage at 80d floor temp so im pretty lucky that way, i got my other snakes in a spare room now, i just keep the room at 79d :) i might put it together right now to try it out , looks like it will be great tho, thx again :)

08-22-10, 04:57 PM
"iv decided that since i am not breeding any time within the next year to just budget for another tank for our new baby..it is easier that way! and better off for the snake too! "
You've got that a$$-backwards. Fish cages are notorious for being a royal pain in the rear for keeping good humidity and husbandry.
DEFINITELY not better for the snake, just easier for you.

08-23-10, 12:16 PM
i didnt mean fish tank..i mean.. tank. glass cage?.. viv? etc.. sorry for that confusion.. got it all worked out now anyway i will do the dimmer thing! thanks guys all who answered