View Full Version : Just got my new snakes from the airport :)

08-14-10, 03:22 PM
sweet just have to say Thank you Mark at gonesnakee for the excellent snake you sold me!! your the man! :)
for everyone else i just got my my 1.1 womas and my 1.1 diamonds today at the airport and they are WAY better than i thought they were going to be which i thought could not be possible but IT IS!! WOOT WOOT! heres some pic of them in the container they came in, after a few days ill take them out of there new cages and get some better pics but for now here you go :)

08-14-10, 04:50 PM
10058 Congrats! They are beautiful. Mark does produce some nice Diamond and Womas i ever seen. To bad he doesn't live in the US.

08-14-10, 04:57 PM
congrats, great looking snakes!!!

08-14-10, 05:17 PM
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttt!!!!!! :)

08-14-10, 05:36 PM
Nice! Congrats on the pickups.

08-14-10, 06:08 PM
thank you all :) the female woma is out and about exploring her new cage for over the past hour, in and out of the water up on her stick, ontop and inside her hide.atm she just chilling on her stick looking around.:) the rest are still hiden away in the contaner inside their cage yet to reveile themselves.

08-14-10, 09:01 PM
Nice snakes, really like woma's and those ones are awesome!!

08-14-10, 10:48 PM
thx percey,ya mark bread some kick #$% snakes, i got pics to pick from and when i got them i was blown away with how much better they looked in person. soon ill have some even better pics posted.

08-15-10, 09:23 AM
congratulations mate

thats 4 stunning wee snakes you got there.your now completely hooked on australian snakes which is a good thing imo:yes:

cant wait to see pic's of the diamonds once they settle in

love the markings on the woma's

im chuffed for you mate.getting all those beautifull new snakes added to your collection.

cheers shaun

08-15-10, 10:44 AM
Wow! They're beautiful :D

Michael Roth
08-15-10, 11:19 AM
Mark creates some real beauties, doesn't he?

08-15-10, 02:17 PM
stunning snakes mate :Wow:

08-19-10, 05:50 PM
this is Moneypenny the female diamond, i ll post pic of the male named Bond later

08-19-10, 05:58 PM
this is Fluffy my the female woma, ill post pics of the male names Monty "python" later lol both males had eaten so i have not gotten to hold them yet.

08-19-10, 06:01 PM
this is a nice face shot of fluffy i forgot to post :)

08-19-10, 06:54 PM
Lucky SOB. lol Dam they are BEAUTIFUL. Can't wait to see pics of the males.

08-19-10, 07:07 PM
hehe and here i am on your thread drooling over your new yellow anaconda lol we cant win from losing eh lol

08-20-10, 09:32 AM
That yellow annaconda would be cool till it gets too big. Has the fluffanator had a live rat yet? free body

08-20-10, 11:51 AM
the guy i got them from has fed all of them 3 times with mice, first if im correct was live to get them started,but i could be wrong, since i got them i fed the 2 male ft pinky rats and the females did not eat theirs.

red ink
08-22-10, 09:49 PM
very nice womas mate. Are their bellies pink or orange?

08-22-10, 10:53 PM
thx :) their bellies are orange.

08-26-10, 01:49 PM
THX everyone & glad you are happy with them :)
They have never seen a live rat, nor should they at this point IMHO
Why were they not started on P rats?
Well here in Alberta where I'm at is "Rat Free" one of the only places in the entire world where they can easily exist but do not.
AB has had "Rat Patrol" since the early 50s? & has taken huge steps & lots of money to ensure rats never get a foot hold here in the province.
If someone ever sees one a quick phone call will have a "swat team" of rat hunters respond to find it/them & eradicate them ASAP
Thus AB has a no live rat law & if one is caught with them HUGE fines per animal as well as potential jail time. Google it up if intersted in learning more ;)
They have all started on mice Fs & will easily switch to FT rats.
The feeding after Dave got his every single Woma here took FT Rat Ps & the one that had refused both live & FT mice Fs took 2 FT rat Ps :)
Approx 2/3s of all the Diamonds took FT rat Ps first time as well (approx 20some of them).
The more meals they both eat the stronger their food responses will become & the switch will be easier. I have had no issues in the past switching them from FT mice to FT rats anyhow, most struck & constricted ASAP
I think to offer them a live one would be taking a step backwards somewhat as they are all on FT prey now.
I would maybe try a live rat P in the future (a few months) if they still haven't switched over, but would be more apt to just wait & try a rat right after a mouse kind of deal.
If you thaw them all out in the same bag helps lots as well for the more stubborn ones.
I will do that for the ones that refuse them a few times.
Anyhow glad you are happy Dave & they definitely look better in person, pics fail to do them justice Cheers Mark

08-26-10, 03:28 PM
hey man congrats!!!

i cant imagine how pumped you are... i sure wish i could get some more but i need to finish school and get a bigger house!!! im happy for ya.

08-26-10, 03:33 PM
Ah wow they are really beautiful. Big congrats!!

08-26-10, 06:17 PM
thank you all, i just love them, they are all switched over to pf rats now, they have all eaten just fine :)

08-26-10, 06:22 PM
Exxxcellent! Like I said I have never had an issue switching them before.
I have had Womas that absolutely refuse mice though, but end up starting on FT rats, ones that are scared of live F mice, but will eat FT ones LOL Mark

08-26-10, 06:26 PM
check out the head shots thread, just posted a pic last night of the fem diamond eating her first ft rat. grabbed it off the tongs while she was on her perch and ate it while hanging upside down. little baby snake is a born pro.

08-26-10, 06:33 PM
Wait until they get to be yearlings & they all start to try & eat you LOL
The older they get the stronger the food response it seems.
I always go into the adults enclosures with a glove first & once I put it in their face they realize there is no food coming as they are ready to eat at most all times LOL specially at night, Mark

08-26-10, 06:51 PM
yup i know all to well about crazy feeding responce, i got a retic about 6 1/5 -7 feet now, she the calmest most dosile snake ever, but if she think food is on the way in, she turn evil real fast, i have been trying to get her to grab food out of mid flight the last few feeding, shes real close to catching them like a dog catches a ball in its mouth. it all started one day when i opened the door she came out of her cave like alway and shes 4 feet away so i tossed it in close to her well she made a huge stike and almost plucked it out of the air, i was like OMG thats bad ***, so now im trying to show her the rat get her to come out and throw it right beside her, she got the one last week as it hit the ground so just need to toss this weeks a little higher when it reaches her an i bet any money she will pick it out of mid air. crazy feeder my bella girl :)

08-27-10, 11:09 AM
Wait until they get to be yearlings & they all start to try & eat you LOL
The older they get the stronger the food response it seems.
I always go into the adults enclosures with a glove first & once I put it in their face they realize there is no food coming as they are ready to eat at most all times LOL specially at night, Mark

so true of diamonds mate

any heat signature at all hit first wonder if its food later

best species of snake i have ever had the pleasure of working with

im so envious of you mark having all them baby diamonds to feed.

cheers shaun

08-27-10, 11:58 AM
Thing is I trade almost all the Colubrids I breed, mostly Corns, straight across for rats & also have a Diamond trade lined up for a freezer full of mice as well.
Lots of mouths require lots of rodents DOH! LOL Cheers Mark

08-27-10, 12:55 PM
ah nice that works, food bills just on my 12 snakes at full grown will be around $50 a week in the next couple years when they are all eating adult rats, i could imagine what some other food bills would be like lol,mine would be pennies in comparison. this year im going to try my hand at making some bredle jags with 2 adults i have, ill use the money to pay off all my snakes i just got,and stock my freezer with food for them all for a years time. ill be real happy when my hobby starts paying for itself.

08-27-10, 04:41 PM
I know all about that, my typical frozen rodent order is around 800 at a time (rodents not dollars)

08-27-10, 05:45 PM
800 per order! lol how long does that last?

08-27-10, 05:50 PM
my last order was for pinky rats and i grabbed 100, that 1 a week for 8 snakes, ill run out of the adult rats for my other 3 around the same time. so i got 11 snakes not sure how i managed to think 12 looks like i can get 1 more now lol jk well actually probly not lol

08-27-10, 09:53 PM
i really love those woma's lol so if ya ship it out this way im sure i can keep one or the other ;)

08-27-10, 11:11 PM
hehe thx but no thx, these will be mine till the bitter end my friend :) but gonesnakee sold them to me, you can aways talk to him, i know he had a few more females when i got mine but i think hes out of males. :)

08-29-10, 07:37 PM
I know all about that, my typical frozen rodent order is around 800 at a time (rodents not dollars)

Most mice breeders here have "tiered" pricing, cheapest tier being 1000 lots, thats what I go for at a time, mixed sizes.
Rats I get a really good deal no matter how many I buy but I drop upto 1/2 G at a time on them DOH! LOL Mark

09-15-10, 07:11 AM
Thing is I trade almost all the Colubrids I breed, mostly Corns, straight across for rats & also have a Diamond trade lined up for a freezer full of mice as well.
Lots of mouths require lots of rodents DOH! LOL Cheers Mark

i hope its a huge freezer your talking about mark

it is after all one of your gorgeous diamonds your parting with

cheers shaun

Michael Roth
09-16-10, 12:37 AM
i hope its a huge freezer your talking about mark

it is after all one of your gorgeous diamonds your parting with

cheers shaun

The cost of rodents not be cheap, I was excited to get small rats at a buck a piece... a freezer full would be pretty sweet :>

09-16-10, 01:08 AM
The cost of rodents not be cheap, I was excited to get small rats at a buck a piece... a freezer full would be pretty sweet :>

Ya I recently grabbed around $1100 worth of rats & just today ordered over 1/2G worth of mice DOH!
Good thing is I traded snakes for all of them :) Mark

10-15-10, 03:12 PM
how can i buy snakes of of "Mark"

10-15-10, 05:26 PM
click his link and send him an email. :)

10-15-10, 06:29 PM
10058 congrats! they are beautiful. Mark does produce some nice diamond and womas i ever seen. To bad he doesn't live in the us.
you cant ship from canada to the u.s.?

10-15-10, 06:56 PM
you cant ship from canada to the u.s.?

Not easily. There is a lot of hassle/paperwork required.
The Pythons are CITES listed so that paperwork has to be applied/paid for & received prior anything happening, then there is the USF&W required inspection thru a designated port to line up & pay for as well, along with an import license/permit which has to be obtained & paid for in advance too, plus the actual shipping that also has to be lined up & prepaid too.
Most folks are not willing to ship internationally in or out of the US due to the amount of red tape involved to do so.
A lot of those that do require large dollar minimum orders to make all the BS involved worth their while.
I personally only ship within Canada.

As for contacting me its pretty straight forward, my email & phone number are at the bottom of every post I make on every site I frequent THX Mark

10-15-10, 11:45 PM
would i be able to come to Canada buy your snake's (hypothetically) then return to the states with it without going thru this hassle

10-16-10, 12:22 PM
would i be able to come to Canada buy your snake's (hypothetically) then return to the states with it without going thru this hassle

Nope all the same laws/regulations still apply, with maybe the exception of an import/export license.
CITES applies no matter what as does the USF&W inspection, otherwise its international wildlife smuggling. Mark

10-16-10, 11:33 PM
ah thats no good

10-17-10, 03:24 AM
Beautiful snakes m8 congrats