View Full Version : Quarantine thoughts

08-13-10, 05:17 PM
In the past i have space in a spare room where new snakes have been put for three months for quarantine.

In the next couple of weeks we have a lizard and and couple of snakes arriving together and are struggling for quarantine space.

Can the new guys all be quarantined together?? They are all coming from the same place (a trustworthy reputable reptile shop)

If you have seen the animal living in its current space over a period of months with it showing no issues would you still quarantine for the full thrre months in your home?

The viv's that they will be housed in are all new - do you think its worth treating them with Provent-a-mite when they arrive?

Thanks for any thoughts

08-14-10, 07:37 AM
im stuck for space as well mate.

the last 2 snakes i got came the same day from different sources.

they are now in seperate vivs in the same room.

i always treat any new snakes tanks with prevent a mite the day before the arrival of its new occupants.

imo it cuts out any worries i may have re mites.

cheers shaun

08-14-10, 08:27 AM
i quarantine all hots for three months and all pythons for six months. IMO its not worth the risk of losing entire collections over one or two snakes.

08-14-10, 06:02 PM
If they all came from the same place, I see no reason why they can't be quarantined in the same room. Separate cages of course.

08-15-10, 02:23 PM
really depends what you are quarentining for and what the species is. Several of the really nasty afflictions such as IBD or Crypto can be carried for many years with no visible syptoms, so 6 months quaratine is just as much use as 2 days.

08-15-10, 08:24 PM
We dont have those diseases here as we dont keep boa's and from my understanding they are one of the main carriers of IBD. Im more concerned about OPMV which is starting to run riot over here as well as many other diseases and mites. These all lead to me quarantining my animals. If you dont want to quarantine thats up to you, but i cant see why anyone would even risk a mite infestation through an entire collection over one new snake that had to go in that snake room!!

08-15-10, 09:05 PM
Sorry i didnt mean we dont have IBD, its just not as common as it would be over there. I know both boas and pythons carry this disease, but it is relatively unknow here as inclusion bodies are found with many viral diseases and are not exclusive to IBD. Until there is an accurate way of telling if it is IBD no one really knows how many deaths are from this disease or others that also have these bodies.
IBD is still a relatively new disease and until further studies and accurate records can be done there will never be a 100% positive case of IBD as said earlier these bodies are carried for many reasons.

08-16-10, 01:14 AM
We dont have those diseases here as we dont keep boa's and from my understanding they are one of the main carriers of IBD. Im more concerned about OPMV which is starting to run riot over here as well as many other diseases and mites. These all lead to me quarantining my animals. If you dont want to quarantine thats up to you, but i cant see why anyone would even risk a mite infestation through an entire collection over one new snake that had to go in that snake room!!

I treat all newcomers for mites, and keep them quarantined until I know that they are clear. I also quarantine WC animals due to the risk of other parasites.

I never said I don't quarantine. I just wanted to point out that most of the time when people quarantine, they don't really know why they are doing it, or what they are quarantining against.;)

08-16-10, 03:28 AM
No drama's mate sorry if i came off as being defensive as it was never meant as that. I was just stating that if anyone doesnt quarantine their animals its at their own risks. I never meant that you dont quarantine new animals.