View Full Version : I lost my Ball python.. PLEASE HELP :(

the beee
08-11-10, 08:26 PM
OK I have a 08 Ball python.. His name is BEEE and he is the most sweetest thing in the world..

Today about 5 hours ago i took him out of his tank to feed him..

I do not put him in another tank when feeding.. I have a little table the is just for his feeding time in my room next to his tank..

He never really takes off..but today my elderly neighbor knocked on my door and need help with something and I left him in my room with the door closed.. I have really bad ADD and i few hour went by and I reallize that I left The BEEE out lose...

My question is how far will he travel after eating.. What are the chances of him going down stairs on his own.. When it was much brighter down stairs cause of the sun...

I have been looking for him for the last 3 1/2 hours.. I am burnt out some right now I am taking a break and waiting for my boyfriend to come home in 15 min to help find him..



08-12-10, 02:06 AM
Stairs are no problem what so ever. There isn`t a single obsticle in your house that a snake can`t handle. If you left that snake on it`s own, on a table and not even in a secure container it could be absolutely anywhere inside OR outside your house. What on earth possesed you to feed that snake in such an irresponsible way? Have you not read ANYTHING about snakes before you went out and bought one? I hear this sort of crazy stuff far too often, promise me if you find that snake you`ll change your ways, learn something, anything! About snakes and start looking after the poor thing!
Right. Lets find your snake shall we... A few questions firstly, was the room it was loose in SECURE at the very least? By secure I mean door PROPERLY closed, NO gaps under the door and windows firmly shut? If yes, keep it that way, if no go and do it anyway right now. Start your search in that room, he may not have gone far after a meal. What country are you in? I don`t recognise that flag, Norway is it? Denmark? If it`s not a hot country, he`s probably going to puke his dinner up soon, that might help you find him. He won`t go as far in a cold country. Search EVERY SINGLE HIDING PLACE in that room and do it every day until that snake turns up. Search other rooms in the house too but keep going back to that one room because he may well have not gone too far. By "search" I mean tear rooms apart, take units apart, remove drawers, pull units out etc. If you`ve got loose floor boards or holes in the floor anywhere you`re in even more trouble. Search, search and search again, every day until it turns up. You could try putting a heat source in the corner of each room, especially the room it was in. A hide of some sort with a heat mat under it, the snake will be looking for warmth after it`s meal so that might help you find it. There`s a bit of a knack to finding lost snakes. Have you got wooden floors or carpets? If your floor is suitable you could chuck a load of flour down and wait for tracks to appear. This thread will fill up with offers of help, it`s a nice forum this. :) You might expect the odd WTF?!?! though, I`ve heard it all now, what were you thinking?! Have you not read up about snakes at all? That`s not even a begginer mistake, that`s just common bloody sense that is! There, I`ve got it out of my system lol Lets hope it turns up. Try and answer ALL the questions in my post, it`ll help us help you....

the beee
08-12-10, 04:47 AM
Thank you for your post.. Please understand I am sooooo upset :( and all I want to do is find the BEEE
I don't need the smart remarks.. Please you can send me death theats for the rest of my life After I find him... but for now I find him..

OK... Do you know how far a ball will travel after a meal??????

I have been up all night looking and TEARING THE HOUSE APART.. the search continues...

Thank you soooo much for your help... It is greatly appreciated

the beee
08-12-10, 04:48 AM
I live in the USA.. I need to change that flag...

08-12-10, 05:20 AM
And my questions?

the beee
08-12-10, 05:39 AM
Thanks for helping me.. As for your question?

I have carpets and he can get under the door in my room.. I know i suck..

It was very hot in this house yesterday so he either went down the stair :( or strait across the hall into the other room..

the beee
08-12-10, 05:42 AM
New plan of attack... let me know if it ok..

08-12-10, 05:56 AM
Block the bottom of the door and keep checking that room anyway, he still may not have gone far, especially as he`s just eaten. The best thing I can suggest is to have the place on lockdown. No doors left open, close all the windows, block under each door and tear the house apart. If he`s still in the house which he probably is, if you keep looking and looking, each day with the same, if not more enthusiasm, he may well turn up. Just don`t give up! Keep looking and looking and looking. Check the same places every day, check different places every day, look for signs, shed skin, feces, urate anything! Have you got any rugs or something similar? Put them down all crinkled up, if he comes out in the night, he may well decided that`s a great hiding place and you`ll find him there in the morning. I`m afraid you need a good understanding of snakes to find a lost snake, and you obviously don`t have any understanding of snakes to have left it out like that. But that`s what the forum is for, we`ll help all we can, just try and learn as much as you can too....... :)

08-12-10, 06:27 AM
first a well deserved WTF?! do everything feebo said. the heated box in the room can work well. also try dropping the temp in the house. then keep a check on any heat sources ie fridge, stove, water heater, etc. try putting a warm rat,mouse,whatever in a heated hide. i know he just ate but at this point you have to pull out all the tricks. gl and keep us posted.:no:

08-12-10, 07:43 AM
IDk what to say about the iresponcibilty of the action. But like Feebo and gonhuntin have said search around every heat source add more in each room and then when you find ur BP wich I hope you do, invest what ever it takes into getting a secure feeding cage for it. Search every thing in the room and the house Dont rule out any area till u have tripple searched it and then searched it again. PLEASE LEARN SOMTHING FROM THIS

08-12-10, 09:13 AM
Snakes are great climbers, I have found escapees up high before.

Once I found the escaped snake on a shelf 5 feet up off the floor.

08-13-10, 01:49 PM
It looks like everyone has covered the ideas I'd give you. I would like to add though, in the future NEVER feed a snake on an open table! For one, the food could escape. Also, have you seen how far a snake can strike? I've had mine come half out of their enclosures and I've had to catch the falling coil so they don't just spill out onto the floor. If your snake strikes near the edge of the table, he stands a very good chance of falling off and getting hurt. Also, he can escape, as you've seen.
Keeping an animal like a snake is a big responsibility- they cannot be trained like a dog, and they spend their entire lives in cages, completely at our mercy. While I do not think ADD is a reason not to keep pets, you have to recognize your weaknesses and be extra vigilant to avoid problems. What would happen if you left the heat source unsecured or on too long and started a fire? What if you forgot to fill the water dish for days? What if you forgot to latch the cage?

I tend to be a very forgetful person myself, and I have found that scheduling care events for the snakes helps me the most. I will clean and refill water dishes every Monday and Friday nights, and while I am doing that, I am doing that. I feed everyone in one night, all in a row. I feed in their home enclosures and have been doing so for 5 years and never had a problem. In my opinion, feeding snakes in a separate enclosure is worse for them, because they associate any other container with food and actually can become more aggressive. As long as you handle it and open the cage for other reasons, feeding in the home cage shouldn't be a problem, and is probably a very good idea for you.
I hope you find your escaped friend, but no matter what the outcome, try to plan differently for next time. Best of luck.

08-13-10, 04:28 PM
Yeah I`m really forgetful too, my reason is morphine. I have a very painful spinal disease. I`m very prone to forgetting important things too so I schedule things like you Willow. Also, the easiest thing in the world for me to remember is to just walk around the snake room looking and checking every single day. I walk around that room and check water, heaters, movements of snakes, appearance of poos and humidity levels. There are a whole lot of things I`

08-13-10, 04:32 PM
Yeah I`m really forgetful too, my reason is morphine. I have a very painful spinal disease. I`m very prone to forgetting important things too so I schedule things like you Willow. Also, the easiest thing in the world for me to remember is to just walk around the snake room looking and checking every single day. I walk around that room and check water, heaters, movements of snakes, appearance of poos and humidity levels. There are a whole lot of things I check for lots of times in one day. But as Willow is saying dude, you cannot be half hearted about looking after your snakes, IN THE SLIGHTEST....
Any news? Have you seen any sign of it at all? Have you locked the house down?

08-13-10, 11:17 PM
i agree with all of you 100% and bee listen to what they say, they are a great source of information, but guys lets get her snake back first and then we can give her heck about her bad choices, that was going to lead to this either this time or next time, it was not an if but a when. I really hope you stay with the forum and learn from these guys as much as i have and that your snake comes back safe and sound but other that, they covered everything damn near....So GL with his return, you seem very sincear how much you care for you snakes, im sure when he returns you will be that much more informed to make him even happier than before,which to tell you the truth LOTS of snakes are found somtimes even months later so dont give u hope. dont worry i think we all suffer from stuff,lets face it, We all Love snakes LOL

08-14-10, 01:05 PM
Yup! :) Any news? Or signs of him anywhere? Have you been turning the house upside down? lol