View Full Version : Jojo's new cage

08-09-10, 12:57 PM
Got done with Jojo's cage this weekend, the only thing that took forever was trying to find a black sliding glass track that was over 4ft so i just got the tan one, now that i look at it, it does not look that bad. the cage is 5ftlong 3 1/2ft deep and 3ft high, there is about 1 1/2ft of sand and top soil. this is home until we move than he will get a 8ft cage.



08-09-10, 01:57 PM
very nice :) jojo's a lucky boy. i like the tan glass trrack i wish i could have found some when i build my cage, all i had was white. funny how you settle with the color you get, and when all is said and done you look at in and its looks way better than you had pictured it.

08-14-10, 06:01 PM
Nice set up. Just one question how he supposed get on the ledge? Are you going to put a ramp on it?

08-14-10, 06:38 PM
he can get up there, but im putting a ramp in soon.

08-14-10, 06:43 PM
Cool. He just didn't look big enough to reach it in the pic that's why i asked. How old is he?

08-14-10, 09:03 PM
Great enclosure, yu will have one very happy boy in there!!

08-15-10, 07:01 AM
Cool. He just didn't look big enough to reach it in the pic that's why i asked. How old is he?

realy dont know his age, husband got him from the pet store:( ....but in Nov it will be one year since i got him.

08-15-10, 08:08 AM
looking good mate.over here its silver runners that are more commonly used.i think your runners look good against the black.sorta picture frames the inside of the tank.

cheers shaun