View Full Version : Great day out

08-09-10, 08:28 AM
Our local reptile shop sponsors the reptile section of a local wildlife park and once a year for a fortnight they put on venomous snake shows.

Went along today and saw the show - AWESOME doesn't sum it up!!! I get now why people want to keep hots (i think) - tho i have no plans to do so myself.

Wish i took my proper camera but unfortunately only had my phone with me. We saw a Gaboon viper, Western Diamond back, green mamba, black mamba and some others that i have forgotten already!!!

I got dragged in at the end to help hold a 13ft Burmese that was their "petting snake"!!

This was one of my favourite snakes of the day (pic below) - a pat on the back to the first person to identify it from my crappy phone pics!

08-09-10, 09:22 AM
albino cobra?

08-09-10, 12:06 PM
I think it's a cobra. Maybe a king or indian.

Won't be albino since it's much too dark on the head.

08-09-10, 12:27 PM
Cape Cobra

08-09-10, 04:41 PM
King cobra - called amber and is the reptile shop owners baby - although he used hooks etc throughout the pressentation and never freehandled at all there was a marked difference in the atmosphere when this one was out. Everyone seemed more relaxed and the snake itself also seemed chilled.

One of the other snakes he had was a monocled cobra - it was hooding up the second it hit the display table and put on a great show. The king wouldn't hood in any shape or form - the owner said that they have know each other for so long that the snake never feels the need to put on a display - a lot of mutual respect between the two. Would have loved to see the beauty of that hood tho.........

08-09-10, 08:03 PM
Love the cobra, did you happen to take anymore photo's Rob?

08-09-10, 08:41 PM
an old friend had one for a year or so but its head was more white, but his was a nutty, you could not enter the room without it making all sorts of grunt sounds and hood up the entire time striking the cage, i dont know if he teased it but i seen it once and i was thinking Beautifull but why would you keep that in your house with an attidude on it like that, poor things going to give itself brain damage hitting the glass all the time. i wish he did hood up and you got a photo of it, that would be so cool to catch that shot in person.

08-10-10, 09:41 AM
Unfortunately no more pics - tho i am tempted to go back pay another £20 and watch the show again with my good camera.

The Mamba's surprised me the most - much skinnier than i thought from seeing them on TV - was disappointed not to get a pic of me with the Burm too but we were all chatting and then suddenly it was put away and it was too late.

Will let you know (with pics) if we go back this week!!