View Full Version : Mite Treatment

08-08-10, 04:56 PM
Just wondered if anyone has heard of or used this mite treatment - a generic pet shop has started stocking it and i wonder if its actually any good.

It is made by Zoo Med, called Mite Off, active ingredient is Sodium Laurel Sulphate 0.1%

Any thoughts greatfully received!!

08-08-10, 05:20 PM
It's not very effective.

I have used it before and was not impressed by it.

08-08-10, 05:21 PM
Cool thanks Wayne - was sure someone would have experienced it so thought best to check before buying!!

It is SOOO much cheaper than provent a mite that in my mind it had to be rubbish but always best to ask!

08-08-10, 05:55 PM
It kills mites Rob, but they come back quick. It's like it does not kill eggs.

08-09-10, 06:58 AM

its always worked 100% first time every time for me mate.i always carry a spare can in my snake box.

last time i bought it it was £28 per can delivered to your door.

ive heard the stuff you posted about is pretty usless at getting rid of mites.

if you need it i can pm you a phone number of a guy in the uk who sends provent a mite to you.

cheers shaun

08-09-10, 08:43 AM
Thanks Shaun - you have given me his number in the past - jsut saw this stuff nad wondered whether it was worth it - quite obviously it isnt!!

08-09-10, 09:27 AM
To quote a friend "it only works if you get lucky enough to drown a mite with it"

08-09-10, 11:04 AM
I use the Nix remedy and have had no trouble with it. It works very well and quickly and is relatively non-toxic to the snakes.

08-09-10, 04:50 PM
Just so those of you this side of the pond are aware - i just found Provent a mite on Ebay - with postage works out about £22 a can - ordered some today and if the supply is reliable i will let you know who the ebay seller is (if Wayne ok's this).

08-09-10, 05:48 PM
Of course it's OK.....

08-10-10, 09:43 AM
Thanks Wayne - wil keep you all posted!

08-10-10, 10:53 AM
I, like Willow, used the Nix remedy and it was easy and worked...not a mite in several months. :)

08-10-10, 11:03 PM
prevent a mite is pretty expensive up here, for me it was about 30$ per can and that was closer to toronto which the reptile stuff is generally cheaper. i find the Nix treatment works well, and is a little more cost efficient as its sold a lot more places then just at reptile and exotic pet stores. come to think about it i havent seen prevent a mite anywhere in this area...

08-13-10, 02:27 PM
Got the cans today - great service - real quick delivery - would recommend to anyone - the sellers name is helpsavethereef. the two cans cost £49 delivered to the door.

08-15-10, 09:02 PM
Look out mites, Rob has artillery now.