View Full Version : Milksnakes - "female" problems

08-04-10, 10:34 AM
Do milksnakes have false "pregnancy" where they'll lay unfertilized eggs? I've had mine (3 1/2 - 4 ft) since oct 09 and she's acting weird, digging throughout her enclosure (2-3" lightly damp, fluffy coco fiber with 1 proper sized hide) and looks very heavy in her hind end (to me). She also hasnt shed, ate or defercated in the last 3 weeks. 30 X 12 tank, screen lid with a heatpad under 1/2 tank I had the hide on the warm side of tank and she avoided it, coiling up on the cool side and wandering about frequently. I moved the hide to the cool side and she's coiled up in it and has ceased digging so much. Any ideas?

08-04-10, 11:18 AM
I vaguely remember someone on another forum posting one of their snakes they had had a few years and never had it with a male. It ended up laying eggs, I think most if not all were infertile, but i think there was a few fertile. So could she be pregnant, I would say its possible but i could be wrong. My advice would be to just wait it out and she if she has a prelay shed then I would offer a lay box. Could it also be that the heaviness in her hind end is just due to not defecating lately and being a big poop? What do you know about her before you obtained her? How old is she? Has she had any other times where she went off feed? I am pretty sure its a little late in the season to just be laying. This is the time when we are fattening our females up for brumation come november.... maybe shes a late bloomer? Im no expert, this year was my first year breeding any type of snake and they are hatched and have a few meals in them already. If she hasnt had any other issues with going off feed, maybe she is gravid? Pretty snake though.

08-04-10, 11:20 AM
I would honestly be more concerned with constipation in your case. Soak in slightly warm water (89-93F) for 15 minutes or so and see if she defecates. If not, gently palpate around the swollen region and see if it feels like hard stool. Eggs would be more rounded lumps and almost up to midbody point, not concentrated in the hind end. If she does not defecate with the soak, get her to a reptile vet. Constipation can be fatal if not taken care of and if it goes on for too long it requires surgery.

08-04-10, 12:35 PM
I'll try the soak as her waterdish is pretty small for her, but she HATES to be handled, and isnt there any shock from 72F to 87f when I put her in the water?

08-04-10, 12:41 PM
You're keeping her at 72F during the day????

08-04-10, 12:43 PM
Even for nighttime drop, 72F is too cold. I would not let it get below 78F if you are not trying to cool her for breeding. When I had my milksnake, I kept her at 85F during the day, 80F at night and she did wonderfully. She ate great, shed perfectly and never had a problem. I still have a male Albino Hondo and I keep him the same way. I've had him for a year and never had any issues with him.

08-04-10, 01:57 PM
86f on hot side of tank. I'll get another hide for the hot side

08-04-10, 05:25 PM
Tried the "soak", it was like trying to put out a live wire by dousing it in water. Didn't settle down in 88F water whatsoever.
However, I am going to buy another heat pad for the cold side of the tank tomorrow and a bigger water dish.
Thanks for the tips, I'll keep you posted

.: Laura :.
08-04-10, 06:13 PM
Very pretty milk by the way :) I cant wait till I find one for sale semi-locally

08-04-10, 06:31 PM
Very pretty milk. I would not put a heat pad at the cool end as you want to keep a gradient so your snake can cool down. As long as there is a hot spot that she can comfortably bask in you will be fine.

08-05-10, 07:43 AM
Milksnakes are very jumpy snakes in general. I've never had to do the soak remedy. I really think you are dealing with constipation due to the fact that you said she's looking very full in the rear and hasn't defecated in 3 weeks. Keep an eye on her and see how she does. If there is no change in a week, I'd take her to a vet.

08-05-10, 08:11 AM
put a water dish righ on top of the tank heater.

If she wants a warm bath, she will do so herself.

08-06-10, 02:14 AM
I`ve had to soak a huge Blood python before and he didn`t want to cooperate either as you can imagine! I got myself a container with a mesh lid (A medium sized reptile tub would do in this case) and put him in it. THEN slowly poured the water in through the grid top until the snake was sat in enough water to do the trick. Maybe that`s worth a try? Also, I can`t remember if you said she was eating or not but a few drops of extra virgin olive oil on the food will loosen things up a bit too..... Also, looking at the enclosure, the fact you have a screen top on the tank could well be causing a general drying of the the snake and contributing to the impaction. Screen top tanks don`t hold one tiny bit of humidity in the tank and glass leaches out the heat. It`s just not a very good enclosure choice for a snake really for those reasons. I`m betting you`d see quite a significant difference in the snakes general wellbeing if you invested in or built a wooden VIVARIUM as opposed to a fish tank. Plastic ones are good too, there are some quite cheap ones available that are excellent and look a lot better too :)

08-06-10, 10:08 AM
Thanks, Feebo. It looks like the soak (or the frantic activity she went through, sorry, Pinky) she had a small movement. I havent been able to look her over to see if she's still swollen as she's hiding and I don't want to bother her. Her regular feeding day is tomorrow, so i'll try a drop of oil on her feed.

08-06-10, 10:47 AM
Likely full of slugs (infertile eggs) IMHO
Is restless & digging, not feeding etc.
Provide a proper nesting site & leave her alone is likely your best bet.
A small rubbermaid with an entrance & full of damp spagnum moss works great.
Despite never being with a male she can still fill up with eggs, unfertile one of course.
Infertile eggs cannot usually be felt as fertile ones can be, fertile ones are distinct as they are bigger & more "solid" whereas the slugs are small & squishy & don;t tend to "stand out" much.
When was her last shed? She will likely have a prelay shed sometime 7-14 days prior depositing the eggs. She may lay them all at once or staggered over a few days.
Best bet is to leave her alone & not be disturbing her with a bunch of activity etc.
If she has a waterbowl & wants to use it she will, Mark

08-06-10, 04:39 PM
Huh, I didn't realize they can develop eggs without having bred. Thanks for that info Mark.