View Full Version : What is the weirdest....

07-29-10, 10:43 PM
What would be the critter or thing you keep that gets the weirdest looks when you talk about it? What is the WEIRDEST thing you keep? :D

I think I get the response, "....ROACHES?!" more often then not. Though I do get some weird looks when I tell people I can lick the back of my pet scorpion and she wouldn't sting me. :P

07-30-10, 01:32 AM

07-30-10, 07:38 AM
I get the strangest looks when I tell people about my scorpions and my tarantulas.

07-30-10, 10:07 AM
im thinking of buying a couple tarantulas again atm, im really liking the fringed ornamental,indian" " ,salam" " ,red slate " " they are so beautifull. i used to own a couple mexican fire leg,and a goliath birdeater and 2 emporor scorpions, i would hold them all but the birdeater, he was Nasty in the worst way, he was so bad when i got close to the cage he was their to fight even when he on the other side of the cage i would poor water in from the top and he would dart out and attack it, not just once either would stand their and conitually bite at the small stream of water over and over till his water cup was full lol 2 bad 2 because he was close to 12' when he died around 7 years old. people woud freak the most when i pulled out the scorpions because everyone just figures they all have deadly venom not just little bee sting type mine carried lol

07-30-10, 10:26 AM
Oooh, I soo want an Indian ornamental. But they're kinda mean.

07-30-10, 10:30 AM
Two hours from where I live there is a Reptile shop(biggest shop within like 200 miles) and they keep rattlesnakes and they even have a Goliath birdeater O_O It was actually really small but they kept telling me to stay away because it will grow to the size of a dinner plate and eat my face xD

07-30-10, 12:52 PM
their is a breeder that went to the local reptile expo, i wasnt shopping for aracnids at the time but i just checked out his website right now and he sells giant centipede!! i have been looking for some here for years, damn im sad i didnt stop at his booth at the show, just emailed them to see if they will be at the next show in oct, if so im coming home with a Scolopendra subspinipes "de haani" or a Hemiescolopendra chilensis hes got both availible and a pair of ornamentals not sure which ill get first as they are all so beautifull.

07-30-10, 07:41 PM
Roaches always raise eyebrows :)

07-30-10, 08:08 PM
roaches here too...my husband still does not like the idea.

07-31-10, 06:32 AM
Just saying i have a 8 foot Jungle Carpet PYTHON and most people look at you like you just said a 18 foot Burmese Python. Then you here "OMG you have a Python aren't they dangerous couldn't it kill you". Or if they are into snakes then you get that look 8 foot Jungle Carpet as big around as your forearm my butt. You know that your a big fat lier look. That's when i whip out pictures. Ever notice how some people will look at you like your the devil himself when they hear the words Python, Boa Constricter, Spiders.... (you get the idea) out of your mouth.

07-31-10, 12:46 PM
my yougest son wanted a hissing cockroach.after i seen and heard them the answer was a firm NO...!!

wierdest looks i get is when folk find out i keep dead rats in my freezer.
cheers shaun

07-31-10, 02:00 PM
Agree with Shaun - weirdest looks are when the "what do they eat" question is asked - mice and rats in your freezer - you must be CRAZY!!