View Full Version : dumb idea?

07-25-10, 09:34 PM
Okay, so i have a ball python and BRB that i have an idea for to get humidity up.

i am going to take a piece of fabric ( from walmart ) and put on top of 3/4 of the screen lid


i was thinking of putting some holes into the fabric as well for ventilation.

i am only doing this until i can afford some really nice vision cages, or something of that nature.

also what would you use to secure the fabric to the lid?

thanks for help!!

07-25-10, 09:53 PM
I currently have cloth covering the vast majority of the top of the 10 gal tank that Benny ("my daughter's" ball python) is in. It definitely helps keep moisture up. I just drape it over the screen. When the hygrometer drops, I spray the tank and the fabric and don't even have to unclip anything to do it.

My only advice; get something a little thicker that can help hold the moisture.

07-25-10, 09:58 PM
well thanks!!

right now i am using t-shirts, they work pretty good... my balls humidity is right around 60-70... but i am having a trouble with my BRB.... only like 78-85ish....

07-25-10, 10:16 PM
things such as cotton absorb an awful lot of humidity, best to go with plexiglass cut over most of the ventilation or keep them in rubbermaids which are very cheap and hold humidity much better then any fish tank or terrarium imo. lol i can't go into wal-mart anymore because whenever i see rubbermaids i think of all the snakes i could put in them :D

07-26-10, 02:10 AM
I don't know what type of fabric you're talking about using but...
Until we finish making our own enclosures my BRB is in a glass tank w/a screen top and I keep humidity up by having wet paper towels (two "stacks" of 4 paper towels) and have saran wrap around the paper towels and a small sliver of saran wrap on the other side of the tank (w/heat lamp between the two sides of saran wrap). Of course I have a water dish in the tank and I've taken a rectangle Tupperware and put damp sphagnum moss in it and punctured many holes in the lid of the container and around the side of the container. By doing this the humidity in my cage is between 90-100%. I change the paper towels every few days and clean the moss every few days and then change it when needed.
Just thought I'd share what I do to keep humidity up for my BRB.

07-26-10, 04:43 AM
Until we had our "big" viv's i used to use a tea towel over the top of the faunarium to control the humidity - you can damp the towel directly (or soak it to create "rain" in the tank) to raise the humidity.

07-26-10, 11:05 AM
I have a 40 breeder with a sliding screen top that I used for lizards that needed high humidity. I used a regular kitchen towel and I sewed the edges and middle to the inside of the screen. It only takes up like 3/4 of the screen and it works really well. I even do what Rob said and I soaked it in spots where the towel would fall a little bit lower and where it wasn't sewn to the screen, and I could make drops of water fall from those spots and I liked how it made it "rainy."

07-26-10, 11:42 AM
I don't know what type of fabric you're talking about using but...
Until we finish making our own enclosures my BRB is in a glass tank w/a screen top and I keep humidity up by having wet paper towels (two "stacks" of 4 paper towels) and have saran wrap around the paper towels and a small sliver of saran wrap on the other side of the tank (w/heat lamp between the two sides of saran wrap). Of course I have a water dish in the tank and I've taken a rectangle Tupperware and put damp sphagnum moss in it and punctured many holes in the lid of the container and around the side of the container. By doing this the humidity in my cage is between 90-100%. I change the paper towels every few days and clean the moss every few days and then change it when needed.
Just thought I'd share what I do to keep humidity up for my BRB.

well right now where my snakes are at, humidity is up around 80 with me doing much, just a small misting, and it stays up all day till i shut off the lights and at night it goes down. Im really thinking about when i move out ,they will be in their own room and humidity might give me problems. i will be moving out (hopfully!!!!!) in March of '11. so i am just going to test some solutions to help out when im in the new house...

right now, i just misted everyone and the ball is at %78, BRB at %89, and not sure about my corn snakes, they have humidity hides....

thanks for all the advice i will try everything that is suggested and see what works best, although i wont use a plastic tub, i hate with a passion, uth.... don tknow why, i NEVER had luck with them!!! lol

thanks again!

07-26-10, 11:43 AM
Until we had our "big" viv's i used to use a tea towel over the top of the faunarium to control the humidity - you can damp the towel directly (or soak it to create "rain" in the tank) to raise the humidity.

Im going to try this one 1st.... i like the idea!! :)