View Full Version : Feeding response question

07-25-10, 09:01 AM
Every time we have fed our young corns they have immediately gone into a hide and stayed there at elast overnight - one of them has done this today but the other one is being very active - is this "normal"?? Wondering if i just haven't noticed it before.....:confused:

07-25-10, 10:01 AM
I have some that have remained very active after a feed, but i just offer another feed and more often not they take it and then hide away

07-25-10, 10:27 AM
i tend to think along the lines of percey mate.all of mine tend to either go curl up at there hot end for 2 to 3 days or go to their hides for 2 to 3 days.i'd personally take the more active one as still being a bit hungry and try giving it 2 food items next time to see if it makes a difference.it may just be a greedy wee dude mate
cheers shaun

07-25-10, 10:54 AM
Good points - thanks - have been thinking that it may be time for this one to move up a size. A large pinky stilll leaves a noticeable lump in its belly for a while tho? When thinking about the "lump in belly" how long do you think it should last to be feeding the "right" size?

07-25-10, 11:04 AM
between 2 to 4 days seems to be the norm for mine mate.

when moving up a size i always offer 2 of its present food size for a month.if it takes them everytime then i move it up on the 5th week.

imo if your offering 2 of its normal food size it has a chance to refuse the 2nd one.where as offering a bigger food size right away gives it the choice of take the bigger size or go without food.

this is just my way of doing things but its always worked for me.
cheers shaun

07-25-10, 03:36 PM
Well one of the corns has a belly lump for a couple of days then poo's on the wednesday - the one we are talking about loses his "lump" within a day. He feeds like a train, never refuses even in shed he had eaten the other's pinky when it has refused and never had a problem - i have a smally fluffy in the freezer so may try that next feed - its not that much bigger than teh pinkys they have anyway.