View Full Version : Lola's new home

.: Laura :.
07-21-10, 03:48 PM
It most definately pays to watch out for things listed on ebay! Picked this 60cmx60cmx40cm exoterra in pristine condition for £20


Climby Climby


ALSO got this 4ft tank for freeeee, love the dungeon wall complete with door knocker!
Going to be an absolute pain in the arse to clean though


07-21-10, 03:49 PM
Nice deals!!! What you putting in them?

.: Laura :.
07-21-10, 03:52 PM
Lola's currently in the glass one (6mnth albino checkered garter) aaaaand I'm still trying to decide what to put in the 4fter, did 24hrs overtime this month so I'll have a fair amount of spare cash to throw around :D

My other half really wants a milk snake, but mehh they're pretty and everything but I'm still unsure

07-21-10, 03:57 PM
very nice!

07-21-10, 04:06 PM
And I thought I got mine for a good deal O_O Very nice! :D

.: Laura :.
07-21-10, 04:12 PM
Lol thank you very much indeed, they were stupidly cheap. Shame everyone else apart from you guys can appreciate how much of a bargain they are as no one I know owns any reps :P

However now the trouble is.. I want MORE :eek:

07-21-10, 04:31 PM
Laura, Milk snakes are easy to care form and that other viv is the perfect size for one.

I have 5 milks at the moment, they are great snakes.

Just not as friendly as garters.

.: Laura :.
07-21-10, 04:40 PM
Yeah thats what's making me hesitate on getting one, Lola is always out and about doing snakey stuff.. But I'm sure I'll end up getting a milk as Mark has always wanted one :P

07-21-10, 05:17 PM
Congrats nice cages. Get Mark a milksnake if that what he's always wanted then he'll be hooked. Then before you know it you'll have a house full snakes. Just means you get to pick the next one. lol

.: Laura :.
07-21-10, 05:22 PM
Congrats nice cages. Get Mark a milksnake if that what he's always wanted then he'll be hooked. Then before you know it you'll have a house full snakes. Just means you get to pick the next one. lol

We're having a house full of snakes whether he likes it or not :P I keep telling him to buy a baby milk for himself since our nursery is now empty, however he claims he doesn't have enough time to care for one like I do with Lola. Obviously a load of shite :P
Buuut we've got a nice big empty viv that I'm going to start fixing up over the next couple of weeks.. I SUPPOSE I'll keep my eye out for hatchling pueblan milks, you know.. just out of interest ;)

07-21-10, 06:39 PM
Nice tanks and great find too. I always seem to miss out on the cheapies. I just bought a couple of new tanks but paid a hell of a lot more than that *sigh* I look forward to seeing some pics of the new house mates when they arrive!!

07-21-10, 06:40 PM
No time?? for a reclusive animal that you only feed once a week?? come on, that's no excuse.

You can ignore a pueblan for a month as long as the water bowl never goes dry.

.: Laura :.
07-21-10, 11:44 PM
I've told him this but he didn't seem convinced, although I'm giving him more and more things responsibilities with Lola since I'm not there for a couple of days.

He is now the designated feeder unless she is being arsey and he also gets her out every day if I'm not there, hopefully this will encourage him to get a snakey of his own :)

07-22-10, 06:06 AM
Lola's currently in the glass one (6mnth albino checkered garter) aaaaand I'm still trying to decide what to put in the 4fter, did 24hrs overtime this month so I'll have a fair amount of spare cash to throw around :D

My other half really wants a milk snake, but mehh they're pretty and everything but I'm still unsure

great deal you got there laura.im stuck up in scotland and all the bargains are always miles away so after fuel costs they simply are'nt bargains anymore.

re your empty tank.theres plenty nice carpet pythons out there.just a thought pal:rolleyes:

i really like your dungeon tank.

cheers shaun

.: Laura :.
07-22-10, 06:09 AM
Thanks Shaun, I totally dig the dungeon wall too, the door knocker is sooo bloody cool! Pythons do have very pretty faces however I'm a bit worried about how heavy/big they get?

07-22-10, 06:30 AM
Im sure if you got a young juvie or the like and go from there you will absolutely love pythons. Bredli are very sweet natured and stay pretty slim. I highly recommend them as a carpet and they are reasonably priced over there i believe. They would look unreal in that dungeon of yours too.

07-22-10, 06:32 AM
Thanks Shaun, I totally dig the dungeon wall too, the door knocker is sooo bloody cool! Pythons do have very pretty faces however I'm a bit worried about how heavy/big they get?

a few of mine are full grown at 5 feet.girth wise roughly the same as a can of coke.most of mine have great temprements the odd one is the devil himself.if you bought a yearling or a sub adult then you'd know roughly what size they're going to be also how their temprements are.

im just picturing a nice carpet hanging off that door knocker.imo it would look sweet.
cheers shaun

.: Laura :.
07-22-10, 06:36 AM
5ft? And that tank would be big enough? :confused:

07-22-10, 06:54 AM
5ft? And that tank would be big enough? :confused:

i keep all my adults in 4x2x2ft tanks.as suggested by percey a bredl would be a great choice.my bredl's are the best eaters ive ever owned.their nature is very good to.you'll pick up a bredl for around the hundred pound mark.there was a bargain really nice adult just sold on a uk forum for £85.it was the bargain of the year imo.

only thing with carpets is they are highly addictive.within a year of buying my first carpet i had 14 of them.to this day its only carpets i work with and keep them well into double figures.

great feeding responses,great display snakes.they're always out and about and up to something.pretty sure you would'nt regret buying a nice carpet.they're pretty managable,the only time i require help with mine is if i'm giving them medication via an oral tube.husbandary wise they are very easy to keep and very forgiving if mistakes are made.

cheers shaun

07-31-10, 03:49 PM
That is the type of cage I would love for my brb!