View Full Version : Mean little Infernalis

07-19-10, 11:58 PM
Feeding the babies tonight and my new little Infernalis girl tagged me already.

Tiny little scrub and she's got a big attitude going on.

Of course that's the nature of these snakes, my yearling boys draw blood regularly.

07-20-10, 02:31 AM
lol Where did she get you? Some of them know to go for where it`ll hurt more don`t they, if my Kingsnake is going to bite you can bet your arse it`ll be between your fingers ! lol I was going to say I haven`t been hit for ages but I`d better not mention it or I will get hit... Did I say that out loud? Ooops...

07-20-10, 03:37 AM
Am looking forward to being regularly tagged by the JCP when it comes (heard they are like that!). So far only been hit by a yearling corn and a Spiny Tailed monitor - neither drew blood but the monitor left a nice bruise.

Worse thing is his claws when he "cuddles" your arm.

07-20-10, 06:54 AM
The worst snake for biting I ever had passed away before she got very big.

She was evil to the core, and she had a huge head, she went for whole pinkies right away.

she would have grown into a yard long terror had she not passed away.
