View Full Version : Chat box

07-18-10, 09:37 PM
COuld we not get a chat box for this site where when theres other members on wwe could have live group chats about our herps and all???

07-18-10, 10:22 PM
I can ask Jason about it.

I have seen this before, and in all honesty, when it first went online, people were chatting away.

but when the novelty wore off, it got quiet real quick.

then it gets frustrating because no one is even looking at the chat box anymore, so things sit there un answered for days.

it will depend on what admin says.

07-18-10, 10:26 PM
Ok well it was just a sugestion............ well anyways Im thinking about starting to work on my web site for my rescue

07-18-10, 10:34 PM
I'd be for it. I can see how the interest would begin to wain. Maybe there ought to be a poll.

07-18-10, 10:36 PM
I'd be for it. I can see how the interest would begin to wain. Maybe there ought to be a poll.

I agree maybe a pole if the admin. thinks bout it

07-19-10, 02:40 AM
I`d love that ! Yeah lets see a poll :)

07-19-10, 02:44 AM
poll!! poll!! poll!!! poll!!! poll!! :) :D

07-19-10, 05:10 AM
poll added....

07-19-10, 06:43 AM
Nice :) I think a char box is a good way to get to know people a little better because of the real time banter that goes on. Even if it`s not real time, it`s just a nice place to muck about a bit without messing the forum up :)

07-19-10, 06:45 AM
its a great idea but id imagine a lot of work for the management ?

the time differences imo would mean it would be quite busy at certain times when we were all just up or going to bed depending on what part of the world we're in.must admit theres a few times ive seen a few of my friends on at the same time and thought it would be good if we could all chat on the same thread at the same time.im away to vote now.
cheers shaun

07-20-10, 06:26 PM
It would be a great idea, as shaun said sometimes you get a conversation going and take on the thread lol