View Full Version : What reptile was your first love?

07-17-10, 06:57 PM
What was the first reptile you fell for? Got my first snake 17 years ago tomorrow. My ex brother in law was going into the Marines and ask me and my ex wife if we wanted him. He was told it was a boa when he got it turn out to be a ball. I didn't know anything about snakes so i bought Pythons and Boas by Peter J. Stafford. this book is where my love affair for snake began. Page 16 & 17 (Blood python), then page 35 (Brazilian Rainbow) Boa, and then page 59 (Diamond Python). That was it i fell in love with diamond python IMO the most beautiful in the world. I was hooked and that was the start of the addiction. So let hear what it was that turn you into a reptile lover?

07-17-10, 07:08 PM
My uncle shot a turtle. I was horrified.
The next week he showed up to shoot another turtle. He missed, but stunned it. It floated to the surface and washed ashore. I grabbed it and ran inside and kept it as a pet. I was about 8.

07-17-10, 07:27 PM
For me it was a massive albino Burmese python at Clyde Pealing's Reptile Zoo in PA. My dad took me there every summer when I was little, and I remember begging to hold the Burm, which was about 10 times my size and weight (I imagine it had to be a 15-footer? Hard to know since I was so little). Anyway, my dad would hold it and so would the keeper and they would drape it across my shoulders but support all its weight so I felt like I was holding it. I still, to this day, desperately want an albino Burmese python, but didn't want to start out with such a large snake. Now I don't have room for one right now, but someday....

07-17-10, 08:01 PM
Believe it or not a little 15 inch brown snake I named Xena, My daughter found her under a shovel, We brought this little snake in the house and eventually got a 35 gallon tank given to me, so I set it all up.

We had her almost six years, She was a gravid adult when I caught her. She delivered 28 babies, managed to get them all going.

She was an amazing little girl.


07-17-10, 09:38 PM
when i was born my dad already had 2 red tail boas named beth and learoy, he sold them when i was around 3-4 but i always used to pet them and always wanted my dad to take them out< dont remember much of it as i was so young but my parents say i was an animal addict since birth, my first reptile i owned myself my folks got me for my 8th birthday, it was a female green iguana i named iggi a year later i got a male i named fred. 1st snake i owned was at 15, a female red tail boa i never named,but i had her for about 8 years.

07-17-10, 10:33 PM
Mine was a red tail boa my mom and step dad had hince for the constricter family facinates me (sorry cant spell LOL) But my new love is sweet lou my ball python who is simply awsome

07-17-10, 10:36 PM
My 1st was my sand boa I got last yea, I just recently traded her to help get my BRB. However, my parents had 3 ball python when I was young. Chopper,Ringo and Marshall... I waited till I was out of high school and had more time to devote to them before I got one my self... I now currently have a Albino corn, normal ball, snow corn, and a BRB. Couldn't be happier!

07-18-10, 05:58 AM
Always had a soft spot for snakes and would spend at elast 80% of any Zoo visit in the reptile house.

Then i met Feebo and he introduced me to his snake room - i went home and said to the wife "i would like a snake" and she said ok. Now less than 6 months later we have 3 corns, 1 ball, 1 jcp, 1 gtp, 1 spiny tailed monitor and a Frilled dragon!!

07-18-10, 08:48 AM
What was the first reptile you fell for? Got my first snake 17 years ago tomorrow. My ex brother in law was going into the Marines and ask me and my ex wife if we wanted him. He was told it was a boa when he got it turn out to be a ball. I didn't know anything about snakes so i bought Pythons and Boas by Peter J. Stafford. this book is where my love affair for snake began. Page 16 & 17 (Blood python), then page 35 (Brazilian Rainbow) Boa, and then page 59 (Diamond Python). That was it i fell in love with diamond python IMO the most beautiful in the world. I was hooked and that was the start of the addiction. So let hear what it was that turn you into a reptile lover?

a few years back my father bought my youngest a kingsnake.the basic care book he got with the snake contained pictures of all different species of snake.it was in there i saw a picture of a diamond python.that led me to fall in love with carpets.trust my favorite to be one of the more rare and expensive types of carpet.the kingsnake got me into watching feeding responses and the rest as they say is history.
cheers shaun

07-21-10, 01:30 PM
My parents purchased a leopard gecko for me when I was 3. Was the sweetest thing in the world and I loved him :D Named him Leo. Had him for many years until my parents gave him away before a move. >.<

07-21-10, 07:06 PM
My first was a olive pyton, shortly followed by a diamond. I had to sell my first 2 when i worked away too often. I played with many wild snakes at work and went wandering at night on the prowl. When i eventually got home more permanantly i bought more and more and more and more and more and more. I sold a lot of my pythons as my interest took off in other areas, i really wish i had kept a couple of them as i miss them when i see their old tanks *sigh*

07-22-10, 05:50 PM
my first love was a boa constrictor, and I have never been without 1 or 10 :yes:

07-22-10, 06:35 PM
My very first snake was a Cali Kingsnake called Syd Vicous lol That was ooooooh let me think.... Sixteen long years ago. About a year after buying Syd I bought what I was told was a Rosy Boa. It won`t get any bigger they said... Never listen to "Man in shop". It was a common Boa and I had her for many years, she got to thirteen feet and used to take up most of the flat I shared with my then flatmate who I`m now married to :) She was one big Boa! Her name was Ripley after Ellen Ripley. Since then I`ve owned many species and I`m proud to say I have more than forty snakes in my snakeroom at the moment. :)

07-24-10, 06:14 AM
My very first reptile loves were a couple of box turtles. One was a three toed and the other was a Gulf Coast. I still love turtles and tortoises. From there I went on to lizards and a few snakes.

07-24-10, 11:29 AM
My 1st pet reptile was a Green Anole I got when I was 7, had him for 7 years too.

07-24-10, 11:51 AM
Fun confession of the day. When we got Benny, I was afraid to hold him. Told my husband it was his job to do everything and I would just care for the dogs and our fosters...

I had never before touched a reptile unless you count the little lizards that lived on my Grandparents rock wall. I tried to catch one once, I was around 6, and caught one but I had grabbed the tail and it was still moving. That was the only and last time I tried to catch one or touch any other reptile.

Move forward to now. I adore Benny and my husband makes jokes because I handle him almost everyday and have him out the most.

So Benny is my first love and I am very happy about it. :D

07-28-10, 04:34 PM
mine was back in the 60's in Regina, these little froglets would transform out of the tadpoles in the lakes and river there, and I would collect them daily and mom would get me to turn them loose in the garden every night...they were always gone the next day...

07-31-10, 05:16 PM
my first love was a handsom male red tail boa i named lerch. than my girlfriend got ma a chinese water dragon i named stanley. than believe it or not i always wanted an iguana and one day while at our summer fair there was a carnie giving them away to people who won. so we wond him after like 5 bucks worth of balls!! pretty cool. his name is arnie. arnie the carnie.