View Full Version : Ooops - Naughty Rob!!

07-13-10, 08:33 AM
Went out today to find a bedframe for my daughter - couldn't find anything but was near our reptile shop so thought i would pop in and say hello.

Ended up leaving there having purchased - 2 arboreal vivs in a stack, 1 4ft viv, plus heating/decor etc etc for all three. PLUS 1 Frilled dragon, 1 JCP yearling and 1 GTP yearling!! All with free delivery and setup in my home! Can't wait for it all to arrive now!

Never take your credit card out if you are near a reptile shop!!!

07-13-10, 08:56 AM
Wow nice work. You truely are one of us an addict you need help haha. I look forward to seeing some pics. Have fun with the gtp, they can be fussy buggers with eating and drinking just make sure your temps and humidity are right and they are normally fine from there.

07-13-10, 09:08 AM
Rob has the fever bad.....

Does the wife know yet?? she gonna club you over the head??

07-13-10, 09:23 AM
She was there with me (thankfully!!)

In March we had zero reptiles - its July and we have eight! Maybe time to slow down on the purchasing tho!!

07-13-10, 09:36 AM
yes, I would hate to see such a great guy mired in over his head with this.....

07-13-10, 09:41 AM
Oooh, you got a GTP! COngratulations and welcome to the world of arboreals. GTPs are fun snakes, and generally a lot calmer than their reputation would have you believe.

07-13-10, 09:43 AM
One of us, one of us!!!! lol I did the same thing when i first got pythons then again with hot's and then I slowed down, then added heaps and am now thinking of slowing down again. There comes a time when i start thinking about having to say no to jobs as i cant leave home for more than 4 weeks at a time. Please post pics of the new one when they arrive!!!

07-13-10, 11:02 AM
Rob, maybe you're having the same midlife crisis as me? In February I got my first snake. Yesterday I got my 11th.

Although, to be fair, my wife (who said violently NO to snakes for the first 5 years we were together) currently owns 3 of "my" snakes and 1 of "my" lizards. On the bright side, I've converted her, unfortunately that means instead of her standing behind me going "You have enough snakes" she's standing behind me going "Oh, isn't he beautiful? And he's on sale!".

ps. I do indeed mean "violently" and not "vehemently". My wife is a hitter!

07-13-10, 11:22 AM
congrats, get "The more complete chondro" by Greg Maxwell...it will tell you all you need to know about your GTP.

07-13-10, 05:24 PM
Oh yes, "The More Complete Chondro" is an absolute must for chondro owners. I have it and have read it cover to cover several times. It's got soo much information on them. Just make sure you keep it well hydrated, as their thin skin dries out very quickly. And don't overfeed it, even if it begs...and it will. Chondros are shameless piggies and beggers in my experience...lol.

07-13-10, 06:49 PM
9798Congrats on the new reptiles you luck dog. Can't wait to see pics. WELCOME TO THE CARPET PYTHON NATION. I knew it was only a matter of time. Before you know it you'll want more carpets. I really can wait to see some pics of the frilled dragon.9798

07-13-10, 07:05 PM
Carpets are wonderful, they have that mystic quality enjoyed by cats to make you infatuated with them, even as you stand there bleeding.

07-14-10, 07:45 AM
Nice work, the daughter can always sleep on the floor LOL

07-14-10, 08:52 AM
Ordered the book last night - thanks for the recommendation.

The lil one is as bad as me and the missus - i told her we didnt have a bed and the lip started quivering so i said "but we have more snakes coming" and she smiled again immediately and siad - "i can sleep on the mattress on teh floor - its like having a sleepover"!!!

Bless her - guess i should buy her a bed at some point...........

07-14-10, 09:03 AM
congratulations on your new buy's mate.

you done it now though.you bought a carpet python.as chuck said welcome to the addiction that be carpets...!!:yes::yes::yes:

i love the way frilly's run.they're like wee mini dinasours.my mates one keeps running into walls.just gets back up and takes off until it meets another wall.totally amazing watching it run up the stairs.if lizards werent such hard work id definatley have a frilly.

id have a chomper as well of course:crazy2:

all the best with the new crew when they arrive.plenty pic's mate
cheers shaun

07-14-10, 09:05 AM
At least GTP and JCP tend to stay still - should be able to get some good pics! Will tie the frilled dragon down and photo it as well!!

07-14-10, 09:09 AM
At least GTP and JCP tend to stay still - should be able to get some good pics! Will tie the frilled dragon down and photo it as well!!

look forward to them mate:freakedout:

07-14-10, 10:13 AM
same here lol and this is the reason i don't trust myself with credit cards :D

07-14-10, 11:49 PM
grats! soooo... do we have to ask for pics rob,or have the new members of the family not arrived yet? if not when can I/we hope to see them all? :)

07-15-10, 06:22 AM
The shop is currently building the vivs for me - as i am disabled they have offered to deliver and set them up for me (free of charge!). They do the deliveries on Thursdays so got a whole 7 days to wait for them!!

I may just take my camera to the shop and get a pic of the GTP tho - it is SOOOO beautiful!!

07-15-10, 10:21 PM
sound great! im counting down the days with you then :) they are on my wish list as well.

07-15-10, 11:19 PM
The shop is currently building the vivs for me - as i am disabled they have offered to deliver and set them up for me (free of charge!). They do the deliveries on Thursdays so got a whole 7 days to wait for them!!

I may just take my camera to the shop and get a pic of the GTP tho - it is SOOOO beautiful!!

Something tells me that for £1000 worth of critters and vivs, they'd have delivered if you were the ******* child of jesus and superman, able to walk on tall buildings, and turn speeding bullets to wine.

07-16-10, 05:35 AM
Lol - your probably right there!!!