View Full Version : How I control humidity in a glass tank

07-08-10, 04:38 PM
My first snake tank was a glass one with a screen top. Yeah bad idea blah blah live and learn. Cardboard works ok, looks tacky. Saran wrap pretty much the same. Plexiglass works really well when you figure out just how much to cover up. So heres what I did and it works great. I cut a piece of plexiglass to fit my screen top exactly. Lucky me I work part time at a hardware store. then I took 2 small black (to match tank trim) cabinet hinges and glued them to the p/g and the tank top. Use Gorilla super glue if you can. It holds great. I attached a matching handle at the front just for convenience. I drilled a few holes in the p/g (very tricky and probably not neccesary). I closed it to raise humidity and raise to lower. After a couple of days just the right spot to prop it open to maintain proper level. Plus lid and p/g all come off as one piece to get into the tank and it actually looks good too. Hope this can help someone.

07-08-10, 04:40 PM

07-08-10, 05:20 PM
That looks really good. I'm impressed.


07-14-10, 05:08 PM
Very nice idea, could u post more pics I want to do this with my cages, is the p/g glued or attached to the screen top?