View Full Version : Jojo the sav
07-07-10, 05:19 PM
got Jojo on my bday in nov from my husband, he is alittle mean but just need to work with him, we are working on a 5x3x4 cage right now he will live in that until we move at the end of next year and than he is going to get a much bigger cage.
oh he is not overfeed, he just ate
07-07-10, 06:20 PM
:)Cool looking sav! I like how they always look like they're smiling. How old and how long is Jojo?:)
07-07-10, 07:11 PM
dont know how old he is, but he is 2ft maybe alittle more.
07-07-10, 08:28 PM
Looks good. ;)
07-07-10, 08:33 PM
thank you still learning alot about them, so much wrong info out there.
07-07-10, 08:50 PM
thank you still learning alot about them, so much wrong info out there.
You got that right....
One person says no rodents, another says rodents are good.
It's hard to know who to believe.
We give Chomp some mice, some rats lots of dubia roaches, some lean venison strips.
he also gathers his own food when we take him outside.
He found a snail colony yesterday, and the silly thing was eating them shells and all.
One guy I know of said "you can feed them nails as long as you keep them warm enough"
07-07-10, 09:03 PM
snails really?, i feed jojo our left over fishing worms and he like them more than rats, i just feed one weaned rat a week and everthing else is dubias and some times mealworms with a egg, when deer season comes around again he will get venison again he really enjoyed that last year. and alittle crawfish and catfish when we have them
my guy is not that nice yet for me to take him out lol but working on it.
07-07-10, 09:28 PM
Whenever we take him down by our creek, he digs and scrounges for anything that moves, then he eats it.
last time before that he found some sort of a group of bugs, he got really cranky when it was time to go back to the house.
I also noticed that Chomper does not like to poo in his cage at all, he saves it up until we go outside.
It's like he marks the territory as his own.
07-07-10, 09:32 PM
wow no poop in the cage? must be nice, my guy goes in his water tub everytime i change it he get back in it and poops again. i think i change it about 2 times a day lol.
07-07-10, 09:40 PM
It's nice except in the winter, he does it on my kitchen floor.
it's linoleum, so it cleans up OK, but holy wow is it rancid stuff.
07-08-10, 06:02 AM
Think a sav sized monitor could be my dream reptile to keep - wont happen unless we win the lottery tho as we dont have the space to keep one.
07-08-10, 07:12 AM
I am looking at getting one or rather 2 I have a wicked nice place and space coming out of my ears. I love pairs lol. But I am in the same boat as rob not with space but with cash flow and here the sav's are pretty expensive.
I want one, Chomper is a great ambassador for Savanna Monitors, but my wife vetoed. She is letting me get a tegu though (he hatched a week ago, soon as he sheds, he's mine!).
Tegus are an example of convergent evolution. They resemble monitors, and fill the same ecological niche, but they're only distantly related.
07-08-10, 08:09 AM
Sav are really cool, i enjoy looking at him, as soon as i get his cage done im going to be working on him alot. i got bit by him once and all i can say i like it better when my snakes bit lol.
07-08-10, 09:39 AM
When Chomper eats rats, he crushes their skull with one bite, so I could not even imagine a Savannah monitor bite.
07-08-10, 09:42 AM
it hurt ALOT, dont know what i was thinking but i hand feed(1st and last time i did that) Jojo some fish and he got my middle finger nail and took about half of my nail off.
07-08-10, 02:47 PM
i like sav's but i think i'm more inclined to get a tegu. there's just something about them that makes me want one lol
i like sav's but i think i'm more inclined to get a tegu. there's just something about them that makes me want one lol
videos like this sold me.
07-08-10, 08:08 PM
i LOVE tegus too i want the black and white one but it has to wait until we move.
07-09-10, 02:44 AM
My problem is I want everything. I love sav's and I will get one as soon as I can but I promised Tania she could get a Chinese water dragon and a basilisk and something else?! oh yes! one of those ugly gecko things(as she calls it).
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