View Full Version : Eeeek Teeth!

12-29-02, 02:56 PM
I didn't take this photo but when kate showed it to me I had to share. Sure wouldn't want to have him gnawing on my nose (or anywhere else for that matter). It's a scrub python for those that are wondering.


12-29-02, 03:32 PM
ok everybody ... i feel dumb.. but please tell me that is computer generated and a python REALLY doesn't have teeth .. *gulp* .. like that.


12-29-02, 03:49 PM
green tree pythons have long teeth like that

12-29-02, 04:13 PM
but don't the GTP's and ETB's only having canine teeth like that, i didn't think they had a full mouth full of canines?

12-29-02, 04:20 PM
Man, those look nasty! I hope I never get tagged by a scrub:)

12-29-02, 04:29 PM
whoa!! right on

12-29-02, 04:32 PM
it doesn't look computer generated to me (i'm not an expert) but it does look like a very extreme macro. so size might be relitive :)

12-29-02, 06:24 PM
they are so cute when they smile

12-29-02, 06:38 PM
I've seen that pic before... that's some scary crap!!

12-29-02, 06:52 PM
what a cutie

12-30-02, 12:33 AM
Yeah I posted that pic on here last year when we had a discussion about big teeth. I can't remember who took it though. Either way, that's one snake I hope to never take a hit from! :eek:

Shane Tesser
12-30-02, 08:25 AM
Those look like they would tickle :D

12-30-02, 12:26 PM
Woah! Those are some big teath! Kinda freaky!

12-30-02, 12:47 PM
is it something wrong with this snake ???
I think it looks sick :(

12-30-02, 02:00 PM
Mary, I'm pretty sure that snake is long dead.

12-30-02, 02:55 PM
Yeah, Im pretty sure he is dead too, his eyes are drying out and there are other characteristics that make him look dead aswell.

reptile boi
12-30-02, 03:32 PM
was that snake a wc? It looks like it has some sort of mouth rot, and its eyes are kinda sunken in. And look at all the yellow liquid on that bag? anyways, nice pic butnot a nice scrubby :confused:

Brian Smith
12-31-02, 02:12 AM
Yes, it looks extremely dead. And all boas and pythons have many very long teeth. (between 150 and 250) Though the arboreal species tend to be slightly longer proportionately. (I assume to penetrate thick bird feathers and to hold it while it flaps furiously)

12-31-02, 06:15 PM
Nice pic:D

12-31-02, 06:55 PM
wow and i was just thinking about a week ago how cute scrubs look


01-01-03, 12:21 AM
now ive only been bitten by small (ish)snakes.....and they hurt enough for me thanx!(im a wimp) so idont think ill be going around cuddling scrub pythons..........ever...............well maybe if you paid me..............loads!

01-01-03, 03:10 AM
I've found size is relitive. I've been tagged by our corns, kings, one of our burmese and one of the viperboas. the viperboa's under a foot (the rest are all longer, and the kings are adults). the bite that hurt the most was the viperboa's with the burm (about 4.5') being second. the kings just tingled and the corns i only noticed because i was looking at them while they bit. I'm not looking forward to the viper boas bite when they're adults

Them and Us
01-02-03, 09:17 AM
i still haven't been bit,struck at but never tagged, my awareness has lasted so far. yet mind you haha. of course i bet I've jinxed it now.

01-21-03, 09:25 AM
Woah!!! Thats some huge teeth!!!! Seema almost unreal that they are that long all over and not juste un the front ....

But it does look kinda sick ... look a the jaws ....
