View Full Version : 75% irian/jaguar reduced pattern

07-04-10, 03:04 PM
my new 07 male 75% irian/jaguar reduced pattern.got this guy on monday.

cheers shaun

07-04-10, 03:23 PM
:Wow:WOW another beautiful Jag. :Wow:Congrats on your two new sweet Jags man. I am jealous.

07-04-10, 04:31 PM
thanks chuck,it wont be that long until you get your new snake.i have every faith in you mate.
cheers shaun

07-04-10, 05:20 PM
ugh! i want one lol, i'm really looking into an Irian Jaya but i dunno if i have the room at this point lol

07-04-10, 08:27 PM
Very sweet looking snake once again shaun. You have been on a bit of a mission to expand your collection lately. You have chosen some absolute stunners mate.

.: Laura :.
07-04-10, 11:37 PM
:Wow: wowww such pretty colours! How big do they get?

07-05-10, 07:26 AM
Beautiful snake

07-05-10, 08:24 AM
Thats a lovely looking addition you got there mate!!

07-05-10, 11:56 AM

07-05-10, 09:24 PM
he's beautiful!! :D

07-06-10, 09:04 AM
love the reduced pattern Shaun. he looks great.

07-06-10, 12:18 PM
eemskay a 4x2x2ft does them when adult.im sure you can squeeze another tank in,its a great cause after all :yes:

laura i have a 06 male coastal thats just over 5 ft.the biggest ive heard personally was a 10 foot jag.i think thats an exception though most will sit between 6 to 8 feet.their girth is about the same as a can of coke.

percey mate im still on my mission.

phase 2

get a male diamond and an irian jag sibling,preferabley with a reduced pattern.then i can start breeding reduced pattern irian/jags.the irian seems to bring the best out of the jaguar gene imo mate.

thanks folks for all your kind comments.im really chuffed with this guy.

cheers shaun

07-06-10, 12:20 PM
love the reduced pattern Shaun. he looks great.

some of the pattern looks almost like leopards spots mate.
cheers shaun

07-06-10, 12:46 PM
some of the pattern looks almost like leopards spots mate.
cheers shaun

or jaguar spots :yes:

07-06-10, 12:47 PM
or jaguar spots :yes:

you got me there mate:yes::yes::yes:

07-06-10, 07:47 PM
Wow Shaun your starting to have a pretty big collection and all of them stunning snakes. It will be interesting to see the irian jag siblings and what they will throw when they are ready to breed. Im hoping to see them with the 2 full stripes. Im sure you would be hanging out for your diamond and to have a diamond breeding pair.
Looks like your getting you dream collection really going!!!!

07-07-10, 09:38 AM
Wow Shaun your starting to have a pretty big collection and all of them stunning snakes. It will be interesting to see the irian jag siblings and what they will throw when they are ready to breed. Im hoping to see them with the 2 full stripes. Im sure you would be hanging out for your diamond and to have a diamond breeding pair.
Looks like your getting you dream collection really going!!!!

finances are holding me back percey.theres been a load of high quality morelia for sale over here this year.ive never seen so much at the one time.i still have the chance of 2 seperate pairs of diamonds but the new two have ate into my funds.a guy over here has a irian/jag sibling and irian/jag breeding pair.they produced some nice reduced pattern irian/jags.i did not see the sib's they produced.his irian/jag was one of the srongest clean yellows ive ever seen.

well phase 2 of my mission will continue as soon as ive finished buying prams for my grandkids mate.this will be the fourth pram ive bought in 18months at £200 a time.could have had a male diamond for that.....!!!

cheers shaun

07-07-10, 10:53 AM
that is a great looking python you got there

07-07-10, 04:28 PM
Yeah there is always something that has to be bought instead of more snakes. Im sure you will get your diamonds soon enough.

07-08-10, 01:15 PM

when you going to post some pictures of your lot jane.wheres my favorite girl yasmin ?????
cheers shaun

07-08-10, 02:30 PM
eemskay a 4x2x2ft does them when adult.im sure you can squeeze another tank in,its a great cause after all :yes:
cheers shaun

hahaha you know, i think you're right ;)

07-12-10, 12:24 PM
when you going to post some pictures of your lot jane.wheres my favorite girl yasmin ?????
cheers shaun

Hi shaun..:) ive just took some new piccy's of them all so gonna be putting some up.. i really do need to upgrade them lol..:yes:its just finding the time(:

Gosh.. i really do love your new babies..:Wow::Wow:


07-15-10, 08:00 AM
Hi shaun..:) ive just took some new piccy's of them all so gonna be putting some up.. i really do need to upgrade them lol..:yes:its just finding the time(:

Gosh.. i really do love your new babies..:Wow::Wow:


cant wait to see some updated pics of yazzy pal.hows your eggs doing ? are they not about due to hatch pal ?

cheers shaun

07-15-10, 12:31 PM
cant wait to see some updated pics of yazzy pal.hows your eggs doing ? are they not about due to hatch pal ?

cheers shaun
Hi shaun

Not looking good..:no: i just don't know why.. some are starting to fail now? its such a shame); but ive still got hope in them..:)


07-19-10, 08:07 AM
Hi shaun

Not looking good..:no: i just don't know why.. some are starting to fail now? its such a shame); but ive still got hope in them..:)


im sorry to hear that pal

can you or do you know anyone that could candle them for you.that way you would know whats going on inside the remaining eggs.

cheers shaun

07-20-10, 08:54 AM
im sorry to hear that pal

can you or do you know anyone that could candle them for you.that way you would know whats going on inside the remaining eggs.

cheers shaun
Hiya shaun,

Hi shaun,

Yeah.. someone on the other forum said check them with a candle aswell
Thanks for that..:) i will ask the guy today if he could do that for me
Gosh... i really wish i took a piccy now): all the stick i am getting on the other forum...

Thanks again... shaun..:)

07-28-10, 04:22 PM
Shaun, how many carpet do you have? I caught the bug, and am at 3 now buth those are amazing. Wished I lived in Australia...

07-28-10, 08:06 PM
Hiya shaun,

Hi shaun,

Yeah.. someone on the other forum said check them with a candle aswell
Thanks for that..:) i will ask the guy today if he could do that for me
Gosh... i really wish i took a piccy now): all the stick i am getting on the other forum...

Thanks again... shaun..:)

Whats going on Jane, i want to see pictures lol

07-29-10, 06:38 AM
Shaun, how many carpet do you have? I caught the bug, and am at 3 now buth those are amazing. Wished I lived in Australia...

i to wished i lived in australia mate but i'm stuck in the uk.

was up at 20 for a while but i'm trimming down and getting rid of anything that is'nt top quality morelia mate.

i'm sitting with 9 at the minute.

will be selling my pair of bredl's and the last jungle i own.

to replace them i'm after.a male diamond,a female 75% or 50% irian/jaguar sibling reduced pattern if possible.i toyed with the idea of a pair of 09 inland carpet pythons ( morelia spilota metcalfei ) that are up for sale just now.a new male coastal jaguar as mines has health problems.

diamonds are my passion so i hope to own a breeding group of at least 2.3 one day.they are coming down in price and are more available than they used to be.there were 4 clutches for sale in europe this year alone.next year there should be clutches in the uk as i know of 3 or 4 people who's diamonds should be up to size by then.

i'm going to try breeding reduced pattern irian jaguars next season if i can get the right female to pair up with my male 75% irian/jaguar reduced pattern.

i have a nice black and white diamond jungle i was going to breed with my axanthic looking male coastal jaguar but he's had on going health problems so he's now the family pet.i might try my male 50% jungle jaguar with her.i'm not sure how the colour would turn out as he's electric yellow and shes white.even thought of putting the male irian/jag with her but i'm not sure if there would be too much in the mix diamond/jungle/irian/jaguar ???

decisions,decisions mate ?

what are the 3 carpets you keep mate ?

its very true what your saying,they're very very addictive snakes

cheers shaun

07-29-10, 04:25 PM
The first I got as a "Carpet Python", No species specific description. The best I can tell from research is a Coastal / Northern? She is by far the most curious and awesome snake I have ever been in contact with. I also have a male and female 50/50 Diamond Coastal crosses(not related). They are still tiny but are showing that carpet tenacity. I have never seen such curious and interesting snakes. Great eaters, coupled with fantasic mid-sized athletic snakes is the best combination one could hope for.

These guys are addictive.