View Full Version : my new 07 50% jungle/jaguar

07-04-10, 08:13 AM
i grabbed a couple of pictures of the 50% jungle/jaguar i got last monday.he's heading into shed so i''l get better pic's up soon.also has a r.i. thats both snakes i got delivered by courier siffering from this.they were in a van kept at too low temps for 4 days.the guy had heat cables,lazer temp guns a really good set up.its a pity the guy didnt have a clue how to use it all properly.
07 male 50% jungle/jaguar

cheers shaun

07-04-10, 08:17 AM
That is a very beautiful snake.

07-04-10, 08:32 AM
Wow thats a sweet looking jag you have there shaun. The colours would really pop in real life. Looks like there could be a possibility of a full stripe down the back in future clutches if you plan on breeding this one.

07-04-10, 08:42 AM
:Wow:WOW he's a beauty.:Wow: Love his coloring. Can't wait to see pics of the other one. By the way you and my neighbor Bill could pass for twins.:)

07-04-10, 09:03 AM
Nice, he'[s a handsome fellow.

07-04-10, 09:20 AM
nice jag Shaun. too bad about the RI. hope you get that cleared up asap.

07-04-10, 04:39 PM
thanks folks for your kind comments.

percey i have a choice of 2 ways to go about a clean full dorsum stripe my 75% female jun/jag she has a full complete blemish free stripe or my new boy.

citysnakes it had to have happened the 4 days he spent with the courier so im hopping ive caught it early enough.im using a nebuliser with f10.if it gets any worse 7 to 10 days from now i'll start a course of baytril.the irian jags a lot worse than the jungle jag.he was really cold when he arrived,like a can of coke out the fridge cold.i actually thought he was dead at first.

my 75% jun/jag female as a hatchling,you'll see how clean her back is percey mate
cheers shaun

07-04-10, 04:45 PM
heres the female at 2 years old percey.she was a slow starter it took me 6 month to get her feeding

cheers shaun

07-04-10, 08:25 PM
Very nice Shaun. She has a full stripe down her back aswell as another small one at the back of her head. Both are great looking snakes. I know what you mean about getting them feeding, im having my own issues here at the moment.

07-06-10, 12:35 PM
Very nice Shaun. She has a full stripe down her back aswell as another small one at the back of her head. Both are great looking snakes. I know what you mean about getting them feeding, im having my own issues here at the moment.

what issues you got mate ?

what species isnt eating for you ?

im thinking it will be a lot more technical getting hots to eat re them biting you instead.

any news on finding your mates stolen collection ?

cheers shaun

07-06-10, 07:42 PM
I have not heard of any news about his snakes, which im guessing is not good. I think they will most likely never be found and some are most likely out of the country. Maybe you will have a red scrubby before me ey.

I have a couple babies that have decided to stop eating for me, both are venomous which makes it all the more interesting. The barkley death adder has decided it has to be assist fed now! Which is frustrating as it was eating on its own then just stopped for 4-5 feeds which is a long time for a young snake. The worst part about trying to feed the adder is while im holding it behind the head it try's to corkscrew it whole body. This a very scary moment if you dont have a good/strong hold as they will fling out of your fingers with their fangs out. Also the tiger has done the same and now wants you put the head of a pinkie in its mouth and then its fine, you just chase the tail of the pinkie with the head of the next one and he keeps going.
Also im still yet to have my new mulga eat for me which has nearly been 2 weeks, but im not as worried as she is 8 months old.

07-07-10, 11:08 AM
Shaun, beautiful jaguars! I'm so jealous of you, again. congrats!!!

07-08-10, 01:10 PM
thanks willow,theres been a lot of decent morelia up for sale over here this year.been a while since we've seen some pic's of your lot ? loved your saab by the way.

percey your a braver man than me mate.cant remember which snake but on an austin stevens show he was saying how this hot he was handling would stick its fangs down through its lower jaws just to get a bite at you.im sure it was an aussie snake.big 6 or 7 foot dark brown really chunky girth wise.he found it in a barn.this thing pumped loads more venom than the average hot when he milked it.like 4 or 5 times more easy.

dont need to tell you to be carefull mate as you know your stuff re hots.

all the best with the feeding
cheers shaun

07-08-10, 07:44 PM
percey your a braver man than me mate.cant remember which snake but on an austin stevens show he was saying how this hot he was handling would stick its fangs down through its lower jaws just to get a bite at you.im sure it was an aussie snake.big 6 or 7 foot dark brown really chunky girth wise.he found it in a barn.this thing pumped loads more venom than the average hot when he milked it.like 4 or 5 times more easy.

Yeah i have never heard of a snake doing that, but i would be certain if it was a australian species that it would of been a mulga or eastern brown. Mulga's are great beasts when they get to adult hood. I have seen videos of them eating fierce snakes, which is insane. Their venom yield is massive compared to others im pretty sure its more than 5 times any other australian species. Being they can reach 10 feet and weigh over 8-9kg's they are one big hot.
Cheers mate its been very fun so far:rolleyes: hopefully they start back up eating on their own again. I hate getting all snakes to feed, as i have had drama's with a few python species to and its not fun having to assist feed or force feed them. I really hate doing it but sometimes you have to.