View Full Version : Columbian Rainbow Boa

07-02-10, 09:44 PM
This is my first thread/post on these forums, and hopefully the first of many.

I might be getting a new snake soon. So I was thinking, either a Pastel baby ball python. Or a Columbian Rainbow Boa. Both in my price range. I've already got a 1600g Female ball python, so I want to extend my small reptile collection of 2. I want to get an opinion of other people, who have experienced rainbow boas.

If you don't know what the difference between a Columbian, and a Brazilian rainbow boa is. The difference is length, price, and looks. Brazilian is more red, and Columbian is brown. Both normals still have the same repetitive circle pattern though.

So, yay or nay for a Columbian? If yay, say what's good about them. If nay, say whats bad, and why a baby ball python is better.

P.S. The boas would be 09 babies, and the ball pythons would be either 09 or 10.

07-02-10, 09:58 PM

I'm more of a colubrid fan, but we have MANY boid fans here to give you opinions.

The first two posts are moderated, after that it's open posting.

I'll be around off and on for a while longer, so make a second post and I'll approve it for you, then you can chat openly with many great boa and python keepers.

enjoy your time with us.

07-02-10, 10:25 PM
This'll be easy.

07-02-10, 10:26 PM
Hmm...what should I say in my second post?

07-03-10, 04:36 AM
Hello and welcome. :) Ball are lazy, but rainbow are more active. Mine pops its head out everytime i walk in the room. IMO they're more fun to own. I get my ball out he'll crawl a little or just sits there.:mad: I get my rainbow out and he crawling all over the place.:yes: IMO they are 100% cool than balls. My friend Shawn has 2 CRB and they are by far his favorite. To me there's no contest boring ball vs. super sweet rainbow.

07-03-10, 09:32 AM
Hmm...what should I say in my second post?

that was all, now your cleared for open posting...

.: Laura :.
07-03-10, 11:27 AM
that was all, now your cleared for open posting...

...and take-off