View Full Version : Outdoor Photos - Mojo & Masubius

06-20-10, 07:23 PM







06-20-10, 07:45 PM
which one is mojo

06-20-10, 07:55 PM
Beautiful snakes - I really love the first snakes colors, they're so vibrant!

Coffee Black
06-20-10, 08:17 PM
Want! Completely obsessed with the black necks now.

06-20-10, 08:38 PM
which one is mojo

OK, The red one is Masubius - named after Ho-Masubi the Japanese god of fire, combined with Vesuvius the volcano that leveled Pompeii.

The other snake is Mojo, named after Mojo herps, the dealer I bought her from.

06-21-10, 08:24 AM
oh well i really actually like masubius, how much was he

06-21-10, 08:29 AM
oh well i really actually like masubius, how much was he

I traded 2 baby garters that were het for Aneythristic to get Masubius.

The breeder produced 2 litters this year, $120 for 1 snake delivered.

You may reach her at tinasackett@hotmail.com

06-21-10, 08:31 AM
thanks. And she reliable?

06-21-10, 08:34 AM
Been dealing with her for years, yeah, she's top notch.

06-21-10, 08:35 AM
awsome does she ship to SC?

06-21-10, 08:37 AM
Anywhere in the USA.

Snakes have to ship priority overnight to stay healthy, that's why shipping is so expensive.

The snakes themselves are only $70, another $50 for priority overnight.

06-21-10, 08:51 AM
yea, i getcha

06-21-10, 10:03 AM
I've often wondered this.... the candid shots of snakes in trees and in the grass are beautiful and all... but what exactly stops them from bolting down a gopher hole, or climbing out of your reach? =P

06-21-10, 10:19 AM
Well, I plan very carefully where I take the photos, I just mowed the grass so it is very short, I placed the old stump in the center of the yard, so the snake would have to travel several hundred feet to even find any cover to hide from me.

I will not do this with a juvenile or a male snake, since the males (Garter snake) are so much smaller and faster. The females are larger and slower plus a lot more mellow so they are more inclined to hold still while I take pictures.

It also helps to have some other people standing close by "spotting" just in case.

06-21-10, 12:20 PM
They are gorgeous...:Wow::Wow::Wow:

06-21-10, 12:52 PM
:Wow: Sweet! :Wow: Really nice pics.

06-21-10, 01:03 PM
Thanks Mr. President

06-22-10, 08:07 AM
Garters are pretty fast. Aren't you afraid they're going to take off and you won't be able to catch them? I'm afraid to take anything other than my largest, slowest snakes outside. But those pictures are awesome. I love the red one!

06-22-10, 08:43 AM
See below quotes....

Garters are pretty fast. Aren't you afraid they're going to take off and you won't be able to catch them? I'm afraid to take anything other than my largest, slowest snakes outside. But those pictures are awesome. I love the red one!

Well, I plan very carefully where I take the photos, I just mowed the grass so it is very short, I placed the old stump in the center of the yard, so the snake would have to travel several hundred feet to even find any cover to hide from me.

I will not do this with a juvenile or a male snake, since the males (Garter snake) are so much smaller and faster. The females are larger and slower plus a lot more mellow so they are more inclined to hold still while I take pictures.

It also helps to have some other people standing close by "spotting" just in case.

06-22-10, 08:44 AM
Really gorgeous shots there Wayne!! Lovely!

06-22-10, 08:52 AM
very nice snakes! love the red one

06-22-10, 09:18 AM
yea what type of garter is masubius?

06-22-10, 09:24 AM
Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis - Common eastern garter snake. (Canadian Flame variety)

06-24-10, 07:38 AM
such a vibrant red on flame mate.thats one beautifull garter.have you the garters neccessary to breed more like her ? dont think you'd have any trouble finding new homes for them if you did.
cheers shaun

06-24-10, 08:01 AM
The cool thing about the flame gene, it's a simple co dom. I can put most any male with her and get more flames.

However I have a guy all lined up to ensure really powerful reds in the babies.

This guy....(next year he will be old enough to breed)



06-24-10, 12:58 PM
they are going to make some very,very nice garters mate.

the only co dom gene ive worked with is the coastal jaguar gene.its lethal though if you put 2 jags together as it produces some leucistic hatchlings (the super form of the gene).the longest one of these have lived is a couple of hours after coming out the egg.most die in the egg.thats why the jag genes sometimes reffered to as a lethal gene.jags also suffer a lot from neuro issues.head shakes and at the worse end of the scale complete corkscrews around their tanks.

does the garter co dom have any such problems ?

cheers shaun

06-24-10, 06:41 PM
Not the flames.

But all of my het for anery red sided babies from 2008 (a clutch of 17) lived a few months and then developed neurological disorders and died.

06-24-10, 07:51 PM
great looking snakes, i must admit you have turned me into a bit of a garter fan. It just amazes me the amount of variety in colours and pattern they have.

06-25-10, 12:44 AM
And the hobby is just getting started. All sorts of crossings and genetics fiddling going on.

Imagine the morphs on the horizon for future breeding seasons.

06-25-10, 02:01 AM
I look forward to seeing some of your outcomes as i imagine you would have plenty of projects on the go.

06-25-10, 02:13 AM
Thanks! yep just waiting for some of them to get old enough.

Sadly one breeding produced a batch of slugs this year. and it was a triple het female that passed the dead "jellybeans"

06-25-10, 02:29 AM
Sorry to hear, thats the ugly part of breeding most dont like to talk about. I have never really looked into breeding hets or morphs, but im about to start doing more line breeding on specific locale species. I would imagine there would be a lot surprise in breeding triple hets as you dont know exactly which is going to come through, especially when breeding to other types of hets. The possibilities are endless, i would think the blue phase crossed with the red could be stunning.

06-25-10, 06:56 AM
There are only certain strains that are compatible for crossing Percy.

Blue Phase = Thamnophis Sirtalis Pickeringii
Red Phase = Thamnophis Sirtalis Sirtalis

Not compatible & even if they were, Hybridization is frowned upon so the intended buyers would not spend the money.

2 years ago a young lad in Michigan had housed 2 garter snakes together thinking they would not breed.

Male = Thamnophis marcianus marcianus (Checkered Garter snake)
Female = Thamnophis Sirtalis Sirtalis (Common Eastern Garter snake)

One day after these two had cohabited for almost a year, he returned home from school to find 18 babies scurrying about in the enclosure.

So he posted what had happened on Thamnophis.com the largest garter forum on the net, I was shocked by the number of suggestions that he euthanize the whole lot.

I adopted one of those "mutts" as did a bunch of people who were also appalled by the suggestion of murdering a litter of snakes to "maintain genetic purity"

It just seemed rather "Adolph Hitler" to me how many people wanted that brood dead.

06-25-10, 07:58 AM
I adopted one of those "mutts" as did a bunch of people who were also appalled by the suggestion of murdering a litter of snakes to "maintain genetic purity"

It just seemed rather "Adolph Hitler" to me how many people wanted that brood dead.

YEA I AGREE, do you have any pics of them?-

06-25-10, 08:04 AM
Yes I do....


06-25-10, 08:09 AM
and a bunch of people wanted to kill that little guy?

06-25-10, 08:15 AM
and a bunch of people wanted to kill that little guy?

Yes. I will go get some quotes BRB....

06-25-10, 08:25 AM
Here is a couple quotes.....(getting more)

Aaaaahhhh, I knew that!

Well, thats what I was thinking. Maybe the parents are outcrossed hybrids. Something I really, really, really, really don't like!
So I'm hoping that this is a somewhat common variation in pattern and that I won't have to euthanise the whole bunch...

06-25-10, 10:20 AM
pretty sick stuff and that was some poor school kid.hate to think what the garter crew would do to an adult that bred these on purpose.ive found some of the purest's to be fanatical about they're hobby.quite scary realy .....!!!:no:
cheers shaun

06-25-10, 10:24 AM
I agree Shaun. I do my best to prevent hybrids, But school age kids are impressionable, so when (ahem) forum moderators say "kill the freaks" what direction do you think that kid is going to take.

06-25-10, 10:42 AM
I agree Shaun. I do my best to prevent hybrids, But school age kids are impressionable, so when (ahem) forum moderators say "kill the freaks" what direction do you think that kid is going to take.

poor kid probaly dont want to go near a garter forum again.yes the young guy made a mistake but his attitude in general is a good reptile loving one.the fact they bred prooves his husbandary was spot on.a lot of the time young kids are the opposite and go about killing animals they dont really relate to.just hope the crazy mod hasnt turned the young guy into one of them.must admit if someone said that to one of my kids id would be very very angry with that person.
cheers shaun

06-25-10, 01:30 PM
I made the mistake of talking about live feeding on a aussie forum.:no: Not knowing it's illegal down there. :no:Man did they tear into me.

06-25-10, 05:44 PM
my girlfriend said that in england they are much more into animal welfare, they basically have more rights then people lol, im guessing that where the live feeding being illegal concept comes in, but i mean, i dont think thats something to rip you apart about...do you feed all of your animals live?

06-25-10, 06:53 PM
my girlfriend said that in england they are much more into animal welfare, they basically have more rights then people lol, im guessing that where the live feeding being illegal concept comes in, but i mean, i dont think thats something to rip you apart about...do you feed all of your animals live?
Actaully my Bredli carpet and Diamond x Jungle both ate F/T for the first time two weeks ago. Now they all will eat f/t. So now i'll be saving some money on food. F/t cheaper than live at the pet store i get their rats at. I feed once every 14 days. So i skipped a week on both so they went 21 days they were hungery enough that as soon as i threw the f/t rats in they were on them. Plus now i can order them on line and really save. Oh yeah!96749674

06-25-10, 07:06 PM
hahaha congrats! ive always gone with f/t but ive never had to switch, my bp was on mice i think at one point but surprisingly enough it was easy to switch him, hes a huge pig lol