View Full Version : spagnum moss

06-14-10, 10:50 AM
Hey everyone I just got some moss for my BP and BRB. Just wondering how to use it..... do I put it in their tank then mist it down? Or what.... thanks in advance!

06-14-10, 11:25 AM
ya. that's what i do for my chinese water dragon. misting it down helps keep the humidity up in the tank.

06-14-10, 12:00 PM
Does it matter where u put it? I was going to put some in the hide, and scatter a lil throughout cage.... would that be okay?

06-14-10, 12:15 PM
For my BRB I put it in a hide box (the one that I want to stay very humid of course) w/holes cut in it for him to get in and out so he can go in and out of it when he pleases - of course it needs to be changed regularly (I've read that you can clean the moss a few times before actually replacing it). The instructions for the moss (I buy the dried moss - don't know if you bought fresh or dried) say to have a container with water in it, take some of the moss and soak it in the water - then squeeze the water out so only about 15% of the water stays in the moss and place where desired.

My BRB doesn't spend all of his time in there - I do keep the entire enclosure at an appropriate humidity level and I have provided him with a dry hide (currently have paper towels down for his substrate) so that he isn't just going into the humid hide just to hide - he has multiple options.

06-14-10, 01:28 PM
it depends on what youve got there, sometimes it comes in dehydrated bricks, in that case soak it in warm water until it expands. wring it out a bit and it should be good! if you have it in a bag etc. just soak/ mist it and it should be fine. you can also wash it 2-3 times before you throw it out, great stuff imo.

06-20-10, 04:00 AM
We have one hide in each viv with moss in it - replace it once a week and mist it 2-3 times a week to stop it drying out. Tend to put the "moss hide" approx in the middle of the viv so that it is neither "hot" nor "cold". Our adult corn spends 99% of her time in the moss hide - the young ones visit there's occassionally and our BP just looks at it like its some kind of alien being in its tank.