View Full Version : Garter snake mating video

06-07-10, 05:56 AM
I feel so naughty :eek: I recently had the rare chance to record two of my snakes mating. The male is Albino and the female is a triple het for 2 types of albino and Snow.

The male just shed before this took place, must be he needed to "slip out of those tight clothes"


06-07-10, 06:06 AM
Looks like he's having a seizure. Reminds me a bit of myself.

06-07-10, 06:08 AM
I guess it's a good thing they cant yell. http://laserpointerforums.com/images/smilies/crackup.gif

06-07-10, 06:23 AM
must admit it did look like some kind of seizure.with your computer skills i thought you could have added a bit barry white as a sound track.on a serious note pretty cool stuff,now i'll know exactley whats going on once my wife gets her garter breeding project established.perfect timing that you caught it all on camera,its very good piece of filming.

ive tracked down a clutch of san fransisco garters over here.they are selling at £100 each thats $147 in your money.i honestly dont know if thats a good price.they're from a private breeder.only reference i have is a shop over here is selling checkered garters for £29 = $42.60 albino garters for £39 = $57.33 do you think these prices are reasonable mate ???
cheers shaun

06-07-10, 07:00 AM
First off I envy you for even having San Frans available to you. They are a stunning species, however they are on the federal endangered species list here in the US, so it is a felony to have them.

In any other country they are perfectly legal to keep.

If it was legal to have them,I would pay twice that for one no problem.

One thing to think about though, all of the San Francisco garters over there trace back to ONE original pair that was sent over to Amsterdam for a zoo exchange way back before it became illegal to export them.

Albino checkered garters are very pretty, and the prices seem fair.

Have you spoken to Greg yet?

06-07-10, 09:04 AM
lol you definitely should have put some barry white in there or marvin gaye perhaps? :D

06-07-10, 09:22 AM
The male just shed before this took place, must be he needed to "slip out of those tight clothes"

Maybe he just wanted to go bareback. :yes: Snake porn "bow chica wow wow".

Coffee Black
06-07-10, 03:25 PM
Maybe he just wanted to go bareback. :yes: Snake porn "bow chica wow wow".

Hahaha. His name should now be "Chica."

06-08-10, 11:07 AM
ive pm'd him mate,just waiting to hear back from him.ive not checked today so i'll pop and do it now mate.
cheers shaun

11-02-10, 07:25 AM



03-15-11, 09:45 PM
I guess I need to take some new pics, these little buggers have grown so much in the 4 months since I took that last photo.

I'm quite sure the snow is a female, she is the biggest one of the lot now.

03-15-11, 10:12 PM
How kinky. <3

Nice babies there too, Love the variety :D

03-15-11, 10:14 PM
Cant wait to see pics Wayne, looks like there are few stunners in there for you!

03-15-11, 10:28 PM
Cant wait to see pics Wayne, looks like there are few stunners in there for you!

There is a couple in there that I am very pleased with.

One of the albinos has developed a bright red pattern on it.

03-15-11, 10:35 PM
How much does one sell a Garter snake for anyways?

03-15-11, 11:39 PM
Depending on the morph and species.

My little Mexican Garter snake sells for around $500, an albino flame sells for a little more, those are the rarest two on the market.

Snow radix are about $100 each, but due to heavy inbreeding, way too many of them grow up with bug eyes, The snow in that litter is a product of an Albino/Het Anery mating, so I won't be selling her. She may wind up being the only snow I have without bug eyes.

Normals and hets are all around $50 each.

They are like any other snake, the harder it is to find one, the more expensive they become.

03-16-11, 12:39 AM
look at the top of the thread. they are actually in general pretty cheap, but i bet wayne could tell you otherwise with some of the stunners he has.

03-16-11, 02:20 PM
My girlfriend wants to get a snake but she doesnt like Balls (Pun not intended) she says there too fat and she wants a Corn or something, Garter might be nice too.

03-16-11, 02:51 PM
most garters arent the most sociable pet

03-16-11, 07:04 PM
most garters arent the most sociable pet
Your 1,000 post and it's Blaspheme against Garters Snakes. :no: And Wayne shall wield the BAN HAMMER. lol Just kidding.

03-16-11, 07:12 PM
im interested to see pics of the now bigger babies :)

03-16-11, 07:23 PM
damnit i wanted to make a special thread for my 1000 post. dangit. and ive heard it from wayne himself that garters are flighty and are mostly eye candy.

03-16-11, 07:26 PM
You are absolutely right, Out of a whole house full of garter snakes, I only have a couple big females that are content with human interaction.