View Full Version : 3 and a half months later

06-02-10, 02:39 PM
Othello came home. my daughter found her in the bathroom chilling on the floor and now she is safely back home.

06-02-10, 03:33 PM
Glad to hear that there is a happy ending here - how is she in terms of health??

06-02-10, 05:50 PM
Congrats one finding her.:D Like rob said what kind of shape is she in?

06-02-10, 06:07 PM
surprisingly good. it has been about 7 months since she ate so i fed her, and she wolfed it down. she also drank a ton when i first gave he water and kinda threw some up when she ate. in hind sight wait a day or so after you find them to feed them. i am taking her too the vet just to make sure everything is ok but i am not too worried about it.

06-03-10, 08:32 AM
thats great news mate.3 and a half months is quite a time to be away wandering around on her own.glad she came back for you.
cheers shaun

06-03-10, 10:24 AM
i have never heard of longer than four weeks and she has been gone since feb, and hasn't eaten since end of nov. so i thought the worst after a month and came to except it in the next 2 and then the kids find her chilling in the bathroom.