05-26-10, 06:07 PM
I`d like to discuss very large enclosures, hopefully with a few of you that keep them. My biggest enclosure is six feet long, four feet back and a foot and a half or so high. I keep a pair of Boas in that one. The thing I`d like to discuss is cleaning regularity. My Boas kindly poo in thier water most of the time, it makes for a clean up that is truly the stinkiest most horrible regular job in the snake room lol Because they do that mostly, I really don`t have much poo in the tank. As for urate, well that`s mostly with the poo. The thing is, I`m always telling newcomers that when a clean out is well over due, you`ll have an abundance of urate in powder form beneath the substrate, the substrate it`s self LOOKS clean, but it`s not. BUT... Being as my Boas do thier biz in the water bowls, I really don`t get much mess. I`m checking every tank at the moment after having had a sudden death from blood poisoning (Mites) I was prepared for mites in my Boa tank, being underneath the late Jaffa`s tank, but, thankfully, nothing... I was going to do a full clean anyway but it was so mess free in there, I ended up just moving the substrate out of the way, cleaning and disinfecting the floor and then moving it back, for the sake of cleaning at least a bit while I was there. No powdered urate under the sunstrate. The odd desacated turd and welded on urate but really hardly anything at all as I say. Can anyone else comment on this? Do you find yourself doing similar spot cleaning in huge vivariums? Not needing to do a full clean out very often at all? Even though I`m still disinfecting, checking and removing waste and actually rummaging around looking closely at the condition of the substrate, it just doesn`t feel right not completely changing the substrate more often! lol The warm end of the vivarium was STILL squeeky clean after months and months, they just make a weeeeee bit of mess at the cool end, the majority goes in the water and gets taken out straight away.... Hows about you big viv keepers discuss your cleaning regime with me..... :)