View Full Version : New enclosure!!!!

05-23-10, 08:27 PM
So, being the nice brother I am, I brought my sister a rabbit today as an early Bday and Christmas present while at Repticon.
Unfortunately, we don't have any where suitable to house the rabbit other than an old hamster cage (the rabbit is a dwarf, only like a month old) so... I started to build one :)

The cage is being designed to fit under a window sill so from floor to top it'll measure 32". The housing area will be around 18" tall and there will be space underneath for storage. The main structure is all 2x4s.

This is the finishing up of the support structure. All the 2x4s are nailed with 2 3/4" nails for added strength.

Due to my lack of money (the rabbit emptied my wallet... after my new snake took a chunk out of it) we're using left over wood, so the floor is made from 2 pieces of 3/4" plywood. It will be strong enough. Shortly after finishing it I jumped up and down on the floor and I'm 200lb +

This is the floor finished and a dividing wall built so the rabbit (update... it has just been named Thumper) will have a dark and secure area to feel safe and sleep.

Three of the walls are finished. They are 2x4 framed and them both sides are clad with Bead Board. The air gap should provide ample insulation for the Thumper.

Measuring the tile for the floor. I like tile. It's perfect for cage floors as it protects from moisture. It also looks nice. Only downside is it adds a bit of weight.

05-23-10, 08:28 PM
Starting the process of tiling the floor.

The hide side of the hutch is tiled.

Where we finished tonight. We ran out of tile so I made sure to get all the cuts done today and then tomorrow I'll run out to lowes and get a matching tile to fit in place...

Not bad for 4 hours work really. All it cost is time (I had nothing better to do) and nails :)

05-24-10, 08:23 AM
looking good mate,altough i'm 43 years old i still wished i had a big brother to do all that kind of stuff as i hate diy work,haha
cheers shaun

05-24-10, 04:51 PM
Me too Shaun - DIY is NOT my thing at all!!

05-24-10, 09:16 PM
Eh... I found, through construction, hands on is the best way to learn. Also, I've learned that DIY is very logical and so long as you think it through, it really is not difficult.
Thankfully, not everyone is good at DIY and cage construction. Leaves space in the market for me to start producing and selling custom cages :)

But anyway, today was a crappy day lol. I only got like 3 hours sleep so I wasn't in the mood for much, but I cracked on anyway.

Finished tiling the floor and secured the back panels into place.

Built and installed the ramp on the hide side.

The ramp fully folded down.

Building the other doors. First we took some bead board and cut two holes in it.

Next the chicken wire mesh was laid on top.

Then the supporting frame was laid on top of that.

05-24-10, 09:16 PM
All three layers joined together.

Doors separated (ran the table saw down the middle) and then attached.

Thumper browsing her new digs. I think we went a little over kill on size...

05-24-10, 09:46 PM
Maybe she'll grow into it?
Night of the Lepus (1972) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0069005/)

05-25-10, 09:09 PM
The cage body is finished!


I designed the roof to be removable (2 man job) so underneath it is a set of guides to help provide a snug fit.

Roof base and frame completed.

Cement board installed. Then the roof fit was tested.

Tiling the roof. I used left over granite tiles (hence the 2 man lift) that will provide a strong table top like surface. I cut them all into different shapes and fit it together like a jigsaw.

Roof top finished. The frame needs painting, but thats tomorrows job.

The cage was painted while the work on the roof continued. The rabbit seems to like the large open running space and tomorrow there will be a roof above her head :)

05-26-10, 09:28 AM
very nice mate and so professional looking.i take it your little sister chuffed with it.little rabbit looks happy with its new pad.
cheers shaun

05-26-10, 09:31 AM
Me too Shaun - DIY is NOT my thing at all!!

i apply the same logic to diy as i do to computers.sadly it ends with the same result i just cant do it right ,ha,ha
cheers shaun

05-26-10, 09:33 AM
Shout at it and hit it - then get someone else to do it!!!

05-26-10, 09:47 AM
Shout at it and hit it - then get someone else to do it!!!

thats hit the nail on the head mate.

computers = shouting on my oldest son to do it.

diy = shouting on my wife to do it :confused:

06-02-10, 09:53 AM
Great job! I don't think you made it too big. The rabbit will grow a little, and it's always better for an animal to have lots of room than not enough! I think the cage looks great.

06-02-10, 11:08 AM
very nice looking rabbit pad

06-04-10, 02:30 AM
Very good job mate. It looks big but its like Lisa127 mentioned the Rabbit will grow a little and even if it doesn't it still has awesome digs

06-04-10, 11:12 PM
Bad news guys. I been too busy on Ball-Pythons.net I forgot to update on here... the rabbit has passed. Apparently it was only 5 weeks old and had been away from the mother since 3 weeks old.
We're now pursuing the matter with the breeder through Repticon (she wouldn't talk with us till they were involved) and we shall see how it goes.
So now I have a large *** cage taking up space with nothing to put in it lol

06-05-10, 08:12 AM
sorry to hear that mate.your poor wee sisters bound to be devastated.what about buying here a guinea pig it would take her mind of the rabbit.
cheers shaun

06-05-10, 05:10 PM
Nah. She wants another rabbit. But apparently she claims she had a 'deep spiritual connection' with the rabbit adn doesn't know if she's ready for another one yet.

06-12-10, 08:59 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that. How sad.