View Full Version : Sav Monitor creepy crawlies

05-22-10, 04:25 AM
I been studying my monitor lately and discovered weird looking insects crawling on him at night, my monitor has a small raw spot on his chin and they like to sit thare on the wound.
I been reading up a bit about mites and ticks but these insects arent round, some grey some black and they have a longish body, they tiny and crawl into his nose and ears but they dont sit still for very long, i checked the insides of his skin folds but they dont sit still, there not allot in his cage, i bought a spray specially for ticks and mites yesterday but i wanne make sure before i spray everything.
His behavoir hasnt changed, he active, curios and loves his feeding time. He has soil in his cage maybe these are harmless soil creatures should i be worried?

05-22-10, 06:17 AM
Not real sure, But I hate bugs of all kinds walking on my critters.

What spray is this you got?

Make sure it is not toxic to your monitor.

05-25-10, 02:46 AM
I checked its safe for repliles, i took out all his soil and put him on newspaper just for a few days to make sure they not on him still, i washed everything in his cage and bathed him for 10min. I hope they gone now but i think i must spray just to make sure.