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05-20-10, 04:50 PM
I've been trying to lure my snake out of a wall for 2 days now...he seems to be too timid to come out far enough for me to get hold of him safely.He is interested in mice but won't come out far enough to get it.

05-20-10, 04:52 PM
Have heard people suggest "braining" the mouse and putting it in a sack/pillowcase near teh hole (maybe with some heat near it) the snake eats mouse and sleeps in sack (hopefully) for you to find.

05-20-10, 05:07 PM
A hide of some sort with the prey in it as suggested will likely work.
The snake will go into it feeeling secure & hopefully while its busy feeding you can block its retreat & get it back to where its supposed to be at, Mark

05-21-10, 02:02 AM
I've tried the hidey hole with a mouse in it...I guess its just a waiting game till he gets hungry enough to leave his new home. Maybe tonight will be the night.

05-21-10, 03:49 AM
My only suggestion would be to turn the heat off, turn the AC on, and put a heating pad under the hidey hole.

05-21-10, 11:58 AM
along with the food put a water bowl out for him as he will need water more than food.all the best in catching the wee guy.
cheers shaun