View Full Version : S373 rears it's ugly head again

05-14-10, 08:37 PM
This is why I despise politicians, especially democrats. This email just came in from USARK:

While all of the Reptile Nation was focused on making public comment on the proposed Rule Change, Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL), under pressure from the Humane Society of the United States, Defenders of Wildlife & The Nature Conservancy, added Senate Bill 373, aka Python Ban, to the Senate legislative calendar. These organizations fear the shaky science fielded by US Fish & Wildlife Service and US Geological Survey is not holding up under close scrutiny in the wake of a 36 page Information Quality Act challenge filed by USARK.

Attempting a legislative 'End Run', Senator Nelson is likely trying to get S373 added to the ‘Unanimous Consent’ calendar. The bill could be brought to the Senate floor and passed by unanimous consent as soon as Monday afternoon. But for unanimous consent to work there can be no objections by Senate members.

When USARK found out about this move by Senator Nelson we immediately contacted the offices of Senator Jim Inhoffe (R-OK) and Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK). Both of these stalwart Senators have opposed S373. Senator Inhoffe who is also the Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on the Environment & Public Works (EPW) cast an opposing vote when S373 passed out of the EPW Committee. USARK also urged key Oklahoma constituents to contact these Senators personally to ask that a ‘Hold’ be placed on the bill blocking it from the ‘Unanimous Consent’ calendar. Senator Coburn’s office has agreed to ‘Block’ S373 by raising an objection.

USARK believes that the issue represented by S373 is a states issue. A problem that has occurred in only 3 counties of south Florida does not merit federal legislation. This legislation would devastate thousands of businesses and American families during a time of economic hardship. USARK and the Reptile Nation would like to give a heart felt thanks to Senators Inhoffe and Coburn for standing up for small business and states rights; especially Senator Coburn for agreeing to take action to stop this unfair bill. Thank you very much!

Stay tuned for developments as they happen… There is Strength in Numbers... Protect Your Rights!

Real nice huh! Remember this when you vote people!

05-14-10, 09:03 PM
This thing just won't die, it is like some sort of zombie bill.

05-15-10, 09:32 AM
I wrote my senator. Again.

05-15-10, 12:44 PM
I've been writing my senators and representatives every time this thing crops up and I'm sure they're getting sick of hearing from me. It just won't go away! I could understand tighter regulations on who can/can't own the giant species, but outlawing them nationwide is just idiocy.

05-15-10, 02:38 PM
This is why I hate people:

(Posted EVERYWHERE 3 days prior to the May 11th deadline):
"Andrew (Wyatt, president of USARK for those that don't know) says that only 200 herpers have responded this year where there have been lots of HSUS and AR responses.
Please get on this now!
Thank you! "
Only 200 herpers? Out of the tens of thousands that have heard about this proposed Bill/ban!?
I've never seen such a sorry, apathetic group in all my years...

Personally, (I've said it before and I'll say it again), though there are a few responsible breeders and keepers that I would feel bad for, I think a "Big 9" ban is a wonderful idea. It will certainly weed out all the 'ego' and 'machismo' snakes (as well as 99.995% of all irrespensible breeders and keepers, who subsequently end up on the news and spoil everything for the responsible ones of us out there).
I say just keep up the 'good'' work, keep your thumbs up your a$$e$ while continuing to whine like spoiled little brats and everything will happen as it should.
I'm going to toss on my fire-retardant suit for good measure now...

05-15-10, 04:07 PM

I'm inclined to agree with you about most of what you said. I just don't see how only 200 herpers have responded. Seriously? That has to be a typo or some mistake somewhere.

05-15-10, 04:28 PM
Aaron/anyone who 'cares':
I was able to find the unedited version of the mass e-mail that USARK sent out a few days prior to the May 11th deadline:

Kill Rule Change Message from Andrew


I am really upset right now!!! I just went to the government regulations page and saw that 1994 people have made public comment. The problem is 1539 of those comments were actually made in 2008 during the NOI. That means only 455 have been made since the proposed rule was published in the federal register back in March 2010. What is even worse is that half of the 455 are from HSUS and other AR groups. That means that only about 200 members of the Reptile Nation have made comment!!! Why is no one making comment? This is really bad! USARK has been spending thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours fighting this. We need the Reptile Nation to stand up and make comment NOW! DEADLINE is Tuesday May 11, 2010!!
Go To Kill-Rule Change (http://www.Kill-RuleChange.com) and make public comment.

I have heard a lot of pissing and moaning about unfair legislation and regulation. Venting on a forum will not change one thing out there in the world! What will change things are individuals taking action... Have You Taken Action? Make public comment!!!!!

Kindest Regards,

05-15-10, 05:19 PM
Fair enough Mykee.

I concede the point to you. It really does suck. I don't think people should piss and moan about such things if they don't want it to go through! I'm ok with it as I've said before. I don't mind the change either though, in regards to just particular states with problems. Maybe legislation against the "Big 6" for now in other places. Retics, burms, African rocks, green anacondas, indian pythons should all be banned.

By the way, you feeling better?

05-15-10, 08:13 PM
Aaron, for now. I'll give you a call next week some time.

05-16-10, 08:08 PM
Really? 91 views and NO responses aside from Aaron's and my back and forth?!
Seems fitting.
I guess Andrew hit the nail right on the head.
Isn't this the place to air your views?

05-16-10, 10:22 PM
I've written both of my senators and my representative. I've got the form letters replies to prove it. Will posting in this thread about how herps aren't doing enough to get the bill killed help? Cause I can do that too.

05-17-10, 01:04 AM
I have small pile of "thank you for interest letters" from various government officials offices.

So what now? Obviously nobody can be bothered to do anything if only 200 people did anything at all. Where are the big names, are they doing anything?

05-17-10, 09:05 AM
I'll bet if I posted this thread on other forums, I would find thousands of breeders saying they've sent out letters and forms. Thousands!
FACT remains, only 200 did...