View Full Version : Hi all....

12-28-02, 02:33 PM
Been here for a while so I thought it was time to introduce myself. I've talked to a few in chat before but never actually used the forums other than the classifieds. :o Guess, it's about time. :)
I've had a few herps as a kid but was always more into the furry kind of pets, as my parents wheren't big on herps. Well, a few years ago I got back into herps when I decided to introduce my daughter to the magical world of reptiles. She was 4 at the time. ;) we started out with a couple salamanders, from there we have grown to newts, skinks, beardies, leos, fat tails, tree frogs, and our latest addition a pair of veileds. We went from a couple sals to 47 herps in the house. Of course we have our own herp room with that number. :) My husband is not the reptile lover we are, he is petrofied of snakes, so they are out of the question in this house. :( But we compromise, my next big project will be blue tongues. :D
Got the cages ready, and the breeder lined up. :)
We have also started breeding and selling our offspring going on 2 years now. My daughter is now 8 and a great help with the babies. :) Now if only I could keep her around when it came to cleaning. ;) lol
Well, that is pretty much all I have to say for now. Oh, I'm located near Ottawa and Montreal, in Ontario and I'm a picies. :)
Also don't let the name fool you, I'm not a guy. lol, I get that all the time!!
If you wanna see my gang you can check out my website. http://www.geocities.com/reptilerascals

12-28-02, 03:08 PM
Welcome, and very cool use of smileys :)

12-28-02, 03:44 PM
Sorry to hear your hubby won't let you have a snake. how about a legless lizzard? they're not snakes :)

12-28-02, 03:53 PM
Hello and welcome to the forums! :D

12-28-02, 04:05 PM
Welcome to the forumss! Great site info on enclosures book marked!

12-28-02, 05:47 PM

I like your herp room:)

12-28-02, 07:33 PM
Welcome to the forums

Big Mike
12-30-02, 10:18 AM
Welcome :cool:

12-31-02, 09:26 PM
Heya DZK (:p )

First of all , that is the largest enclosure ive ever seen for beardies !! :thumbsup:

...and concerning your "driftwood" piece.

Since they are molded (or something) when i saw yours i did a double take.
I went back and bought the larger one also. I had them in my Grandis day gecko tank but went natural later on anyway.
They worked out great for cichlids !
So yes they do in fact hold up in water :D


Welcome to the forums !!!

01-03-03, 12:22 PM