View Full Version : My Custom Enclosure (56k Genocide within)

04-28-10, 06:43 PM
So.... I've been posting a running work log for this on ball-pythons.net, but I figured you guys might appreciate some of my 'craftsmanship' lol.

So far I've been working on this for the last 4, maybe 5 days and its so far cost be a grand total of $4.67. I'm about to spend $20 on some flexwatt for a UTH that'll be positioned underneath a tile.

First off, this is Greg.

Everybody say 'Hi' to Greg lol

This is Greg guarding a bottle of water for me last night.

And this is Greg in his current enclosure.

Basically, the fiancee and I have been talking about building a new enclosure for Greg for a little while now and I finally started it last week as an excuse to get out of writing a paper for a college class... Yay procrastination!

I didn't really have a plan other than to make an enclosure big enough for him to grow into, but not so big as to stress him out. I also wanted to incorporate some storage space into it.

This is the basic shape of the structure. It's all built from 3/4" plywood.

Yours truly cutting a 7"x7" hole in the side for ventilation.

Vent hole completed. I've used Pegboard in all my vent holes and then put a nice trim over the seams.

This is the back panel of the enclosure. Its made from a single piece of Bead-Board with a ventilation panel stuck into it. The vent is 20"x7".

This is where I stood at the end of day one. The main structure was completed and I was left with a lot of filling and sanding.

04-28-10, 06:43 PM
This is the top of the enclosure after 2-3days of solid filling > sanding > filling > sanding > wiping down > filling etc...

Another shot after the filler escapades.

To protect the wood from heat and moisture, I covered the base with 1/4" Hardie Backer.

As further protection, I stuck reflective foil to the top of the hardie to repel heat back up into the enclosure. On top of this foil will be a 1/2" sheet of hardie backer and then tile of top of that. There will be an 11"x11" hole in the hardie for where the UTH will lie.

One substrate barrier measuring 1/2" by 2.5" installed.

The doors will be secured with both magnetic catches and a deadbolt.

04-28-10, 06:44 PM
One of the hinges. I couldn't find any to match this one, so I went and brought 4 new ones (there's the only cost so far).

Today I built the doors. This is just a test to see they fit when dry fitted together.

One complete door.

One complete draw unit.

One complete draw unit that works!

How the enclosure currently sits in the garage. I had to call it an early night to get some homework done lol.

04-28-10, 07:11 PM
That is a awesome enclosure!! Cant wait to see it finished! Beautiful ball python. Greg is going to love it!

04-28-10, 09:50 PM
That is some great looking work, Nice job!!

Thanks for sharing that.

04-29-10, 06:26 AM
Fancy spending some time in the UK - paying your airfare and supplying materials is probably cheaper than buying vivariums!!!

Fantastic work - cant wait to see piccies with the snake settled in!

04-29-10, 07:44 AM
im making mine out of an old set of draws. The glass window are ready to go in and im cutting some bamboo perches

04-29-10, 09:09 AM
Fancy spending some time in the UK - paying your airfare and supplying materials is probably cheaper than buying vivariums!!!

know how you feel mate,i get mine from swell reptiles.they seem to be a wee bit cheaper than most.just type it in and you'll get their web site.if yours are cheaper please let me know.
cheers shaun

04-29-10, 01:20 PM
Fancy spending some time in the UK - paying your airfare and supplying materials is probably cheaper than buying vivariums!!!

Fantastic work - cant wait to see piccies with the snake settled in!

hahaha... well actually, I'm originally from the UK lol. I was born and bred in Derby and moved over here 5 years ago.

04-29-10, 03:27 PM
Shauny - havent looked at swell yet but have been quoted £150 for a 3tier 3foot viv set up (electrics not included) - the guy has siad he will "sort me out" in terms of heating etc when i tell him what i am keeping in each one.

04-29-10, 03:31 PM
Just had a quick look - swell do a three stack as separate vivs put on top of each other for £175. The ones we are looking at are custom made and will be one unit containing the three separate sections.

04-30-10, 05:51 AM
Apologies for the lack of update last night, I was just on the go all day yesterday and I have a final this morning.
I did however find 20 minutes yesterday to pop open a can of primer/bonder/sealer and give the enclosure the quick once over as well as finishing up filling and sanding the draw front, making that ready for primer.
I'm working today, but hopefully (so long as I don't hurt my back anymore) I'll get the doors completely squared off and installed tonight.

Coffee Black
04-30-10, 06:10 AM
Great work man. Will be an awesome enclosure.

04-30-10, 11:28 AM
thats a very nice enclosure, hopefully once im done college ill make myself one of those haha

04-30-10, 07:03 PM
This is what y'all missed last night.

A spot of primer :)

And this is where I just left it tonight.

Installing the doors temporarily.

The right hand door sporting a new lip to ensure there are no gaps between the doors for the snake to take advantage of.

Both doors temporarily hinged and in place. Truthfully, the doors are a little off square, but this is my first enclosure. On my next one I'll pre-square everything before I'm permanently join it.

Installed the final layer of hardie. The tile with be glued to this.

Ventilation holes drilled in to the floor to stop a build up of heat. Do you think I should make them bigger?

04-30-10, 07:07 PM
Ventilation holes drilled in to the floor to stop a build up of heat. Do you think I should make them bigger?

They look just fine.

any bigger and substrate may sift down through them.

04-30-10, 07:14 PM
They look just fine.

any bigger and substrate may sift down through them.

There won't be any substrate near them. Above them is where the flexwatt will sit, and then above that will be tile.

05-01-10, 08:42 PM
Painting and Sealing happened today!!!

First coat on the exterior. We've gone with a dark brown to match my furniture in my room as best we can.

Water Based sealer I'm using. It's going to have until at least Friday to dry and air out of the enclosure.

The inside fully painted and 2 coats of sealer. I want to get the inside finished ASAP so i can start working on the floor.

Top half of the fountain we brought a month ago for $5. I can see why it was reduced to $5 because after an hour of playing, it still leaked. About 3 weeks ago we built up the sides of the collection bowl and painted it to stop the overflow and now I finally sealed it.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll pull out the tile saw and cut some tile to size :)

05-01-10, 09:01 PM
Looking good, thanks for the updates.

05-01-10, 09:32 PM
I also started hacking an acurite thermometer tonight so I can have all the probes external and move the unit outside the tank

05-02-10, 06:40 PM
Casa Del Greg. Now featuring file flooring throughout (mostly), Panoramic front doors and windows, Stylish door handles (every snakes most important accessory) and soon enough, an indoor water feature!!!

So we start with the draw handle.
Nothing too flashy, but it matches the ones currently in my room.

I had to cheat a little on the other side of the draw face. I could of cut the screws, but I decided two washers and a nut would be sufficient to make the screws the right size.

Doors installed and closed... yes, they do work lol.

Dry fitting the luxurious tile floor to test for sizes.

Installing the floor. Normally I would use a grooved trowel, but I figured Greg wouldn't complain and I was too lazy to go and get one out. Just means I need to leave it till tomorrow to do any other work.

Tiling finished for the most part. All the tile is stuck in except the last one. This one will be siliconed down atop the UTH so that in the event of it breaking, the tile can be easily removed to access the UTH.

Doors shut. Floor Laid. Handles attached.

I probably won't have a proper update again until Wednesday when the UTH is set to arrive in the mail.

05-02-10, 09:05 PM
Really great job on Casa de Greg! (love the name too!) In any event!! Fantastic! Can't wait for the final product with Gred in de casa!

05-03-10, 08:26 PM
Looking good, can't wait to see it occupied.

05-03-10, 08:37 PM
My flexwatt arrived this evening!!!!

I had to cut out a little extra hardie backer to make space for it.
I've also wired up the fountain and got it working.
I did wire up the acurite thermometer, but then I broke it, so I'm going to replace it tomorrow.

No pics for today, but tomorrow will see the floor being finished and the flexwatt being wired up and tested.

05-04-10, 06:52 PM
FlexWatt installed into cage.

Tile siliconed into place. I checked the specs, and the silicone I used can withstand temps ranging from -60 - +400 so I should be good.

Not many pictures tonight, but the enclosure is now in my room airing out and adjusting temps. Tomorrow I should be able to get some finalized pictures.

05-05-10, 05:59 PM
But anyway.... Drum roll please...:headbang:

It is done!?!?!?!?!?!!

This is my new thermometer hacked and attached to the side of the cage and working. The humidity is low here as I was playing around with locations for the sensor and water bowl. Currently its at 40% so I might still play around with it.

Greg's indoor water feature. I'm going to add more rocks around it, but they're currently soaking in water as I had them soak in a mild bleach solution for an hour to kill any nasties and clean them.

Cool side temperature probe and humidity probe glued to the wall just to the right of the water feature.

My cunning method of disguising the probes.

Heated side temp probe resting above the heat pad.

That probe too was disguised.

Greg's climbing stick securely glued into place.

The interior of the completed cage. It's missing a couple small hides and a snake, but they're in the other tank until tomorrow night.

05-06-10, 12:48 AM
Looks very nice, well done! now make me one. ;)

05-06-10, 07:26 AM
Fantastic place for Greg to live mate - so - how much would you charge to ship it to me??

05-06-10, 08:37 AM
i'd like to put my order in for one too please................. awesome job !!!!!!! :):):):):):)

05-06-10, 01:40 PM
@Infernalis and spankygaaarage: If y'all are serious I can price up a similar one and let you know how much it'd be. I've learnt a lot doing this cage, like I know I have too many vents and I need to finish the pieces for the doors completely before putting in the plexi.

@LankyRob: It weighs nearly 70lbs so it might be a lil pricey to ship. Still might be cheaper than buying a branded one though lol.

05-08-10, 09:18 PM
Wooo!! Humidity is above 50%!
AND!!! Greg ate for the first time tonight in his new enclosure

05-09-10, 12:09 AM
Congratulations!! Well done.

05-23-10, 08:11 PM
Just a small update. I wired up some 12V LED strips to a transformer from a cellphone and installed them in the cage. I did this to add some visual appeal and to allow viewing of the snake at night without too much stress and disruption due to the lights.


Coffee Black
06-01-10, 12:36 PM
Looks great! Did you seriously have cell phone transformers just laying around as well ? ha. Great setup.

06-01-10, 03:41 PM
You did a really great job! Right now I'm working on finding a plan to build two custom enclosures for my Borneo Short-Tailed pythons. They are both 5 feet long. Did you go by a plan for building that? If so, where did you find it? I'm trying to find a good website with building plans, but I have found none that look suitable so far.

06-02-10, 07:00 AM
@Coffee Black: Yes I did. I've been through a lot of cell phones and they never take the chargers back lol

@laciiejay: I kept coming across sites that charge you for the plans so I just looked at finished products and got ideas and then went with it. I didn't really have plans on paper, it was mostly making the cage fit the material so I wouldn't have to go out and buy more.