View Full Version : RIP to our old friends

04-28-10, 05:27 PM
I started this thread to pay homage to out lost friends. I lost my first snake about 2 months ago do to an escape. i have since got a new cage for the snake i have now to eliminate the problem, but i know i am not the only one who has lost a snake (do to ignorance or old age)
this is othello my striped cal king she was awesome

04-28-10, 06:09 PM
Sorry for your loss. It sucks losing a snake.

04-28-10, 07:12 PM
Ahhhh....really sorry about your loss. It must be so hard.

04-28-10, 09:51 PM

04-28-10, 10:35 PM
I too lost one to an escape. He got out in my car and crawled up in the dash where he died.

04-29-10, 01:28 AM
escapes really suck, no closure. The wondering drives me nuts.

04-29-10, 11:06 AM
Here's to my little Mei-Li. 2008 mandarin ratsnake female. She got out 3 times, and every time I tried a different, more escape-proof container. One night about two months ago my fiance failed to check the snake room door after making his nightly rounds and the latch didn't catch. The cats got in the room and knocked over the cage and she got out and I found her dead under the dining room table the next day. No more tiny little snakes for me! :(

04-30-10, 05:19 PM
Sorry to here Kimberly.:no:

04-30-10, 06:18 PM
It's ok. It was hard and I still miss her, but it was a freak accident. I have replaced the latch assembly on that door and now double-check it myself every night to make sure it's secure.

04-30-10, 06:30 PM
This is such a sad thread. I haven't lost any snakes yet, and hope I wont for a long time

04-30-10, 07:14 PM
lost so many over the years.....

Bye Limon, Xena, Ember, Pearl, rusty, Cheeto, brownie, cherry bear, flicka, magma, etc...

a couple dozen more with no names.....(Baby season is rough, we always lose some)