View Full Version : good news! it was a good day...
04-27-10, 08:08 PM
ok so ive had my snow corn snake for like a week, or 2. she has been very very very bitchy. not to sound dumb but i had to use a glove cuz of the relentless bitting at me. ( i just use it for her protection i dont want to jerk and hurt her, it doesnt hurt at all but just a reflex to pull back ).
well today i went in there just to look at them and i noticed a very nice peice of shed in her cage. it all came out in a perfect shed and the eyes and tail came off perfectly. i picked her up this time and only got bit once:) lot better than 4-5 lol
just wanted to share with you guys, will post up a pic tomorrow of the shed.
04-28-10, 12:17 AM
thanks for sharing the good news.
04-28-10, 07:02 AM
Am still anticipating the first bite - dont feel like a proper herp til it happens!! Guess have been lucky so far....... Am adopting an older corn on Sunday so maybe that will be when it happens!!
04-28-10, 08:57 AM
Well don't count on a first bite coming from a corn snake. They are generally pretty docile. Haha, if you want to get bitten, I could always send you my Macklott's- he's a guaranteed face ripper! lol.
04-28-10, 09:12 AM
Our next two are likely to be baby Royal Python and baby BRB so guess teh BRB will be the most likely?
04-28-10, 10:31 AM
The balls will bite before the BRB. I been bite by two ball once each. A baby retic close to 50 or more time (two on the nose.) One 3 foot RTB (3 times). One 8 foot burm one very nasty bite. The BRB i have now is my second one. Neither ever acted like they wanted to bite. I don't get where people say their snappy. Out of the 7 rainbow i handle their always mellow. Same with Jungle carpets i never came across a snappy one. I thing carpets are the best beginer snake there is. Everyone i know with a ball gotten tag at least once.
04-28-10, 12:55 PM
I've been bitten 3 times by my ball python adult male. He tends to mistake hands for food when he is shedding.
04-29-10, 09:50 AM
haha, i have only been bit by snowflake. i thinking it was bc she was in shed and i didnt notice it. ( her eyes weren't blue?) and it don't hurt or anything lol. i was hoping my 1st bite would be by something alil more bigger... ( even maybe my BP ) lol. but ill be getting a BRB in a few months so im sure ill get nipped again.
04-29-10, 10:52 AM
Haha, again if you want a good ole' bite, come over and I'll find someone to tag
04-29-10, 10:54 AM
Just kidding by the way- don't want anyone to think I like pissing off my snakes. Every keeper can expect that he or she will get bitten at some point. The species you keep and the number of snakes affects how often you get tagged, as does how you approach them and your general level of excitability. You want to try not to get bitten however, as it can hurt your snake. They can tear out teeth and end up with mouth rot and it's stressful for them when they get upset enough to actually strike.
04-29-10, 03:24 PM
totally understandable, i dont try to get bit trust me. shes calming down and i still use a glove so she cant get her teath stuck and i dont rip them out.
haha ill pass on coming over to get tagged by one of yours willow lol thanks for the invite though!!
04-29-10, 07:42 PM
Aw come on, you know you want to get up close and personal with a mouthful of python teeth! :p
04-30-10, 11:19 AM
i heard GTP's leave a nasty sting once they tag you ;)
04-30-10, 01:07 PM
It's not fun, but it isn't intolerable either. My old female GTP used to strike the front of her enclosure if anything moved in her field of vision after dark. She got her bottom teeth stuck in her lip and couldn't close her mouth and was rubbing her face all over the cage, so I put on a pair of gloves and waved my hand in front of her to get her to strike, thinking I had my hand far enough away she wouldn't actually get it, she'd just get her mouth open and straightened out. It worked but she actually connected with my hand. Left a nice mouth mark, but wasn't the worst bite I've ever had. Of course, it was through a leather glove....
04-30-10, 01:08 PM
Emerald tree boas have much larger front teeth than GTPs, their bite has been said to be the worst non-venomous snakebite. Fortunately, my 4 are tame and docile, but I've seen the teeth and hope to God I never get tagged by them...eek!
04-30-10, 11:43 PM
Aw come on, you know you want to get up close and personal with a mouthful of python teeth! :p
i think a ball python would be the biggest python bit i would want... ill stay away from GTP, and Blood and reticualted lol...
Emerald tree boas have much larger front teeth than GTPs, their bite has been said to be the worst non-venomous snakebite. Fortunately, my 4 are tame and docile, but I've seen the teeth and hope to God I never get tagged by them...eek!
best of luck to you:):) lol
05-01-10, 08:16 AM
All my emeralds are sweethearts- I've never been bitten by any of them. And my two GTPs are really friendly too, especially my male Biak. IMHO the two species really get a bum rap- there are a lot of tame GTPs and ETBs out there; it's really how you approach them and how you move around them. They are used to predators in the wild coming at them from above, so you always approach them from head-on or from below. Also removable perches that can just be picked up with the snake on them are great, because it gives the snake the choice to come off the perch and onto your arms when it feels like it. Honestly they are nowhere near as bad to work with as everyone says- in fact, I find the emeralds easier and calmer than green tree pythons in general.
05-01-10, 08:29 AM
go buy yourself a carpet python hatchling rob,that will get you a few bites mate.haha
10-07-10, 01:06 AM
It's not fun, but it isn't intolerable either. My old female GTP used to strike the front of her enclosure if anything moved in her field of vision after dark. She got her bottom teeth stuck in her lip and couldn't close her mouth and was rubbing her face all over the cage, so I put on a pair of gloves and waved my hand in front of her to get her to strike, thinking I had my hand far enough away she wouldn't actually get it, she'd just get her mouth open and straightened out. It worked but she actually connected with my hand. Left a nice mouth mark, but wasn't the worst bite I've ever had. Of course, it was through a leather glove....
my CS likes to hiss whenever she is shedding and its dark and anything moves in the room at all even if she couldnt have possibly seen it its cute as hell but scares friends and family right out of their boots:rolleyes:
10-07-10, 12:24 PM
i got 3 carpet python babies that are increadibly agressive, i get bite everytime i bring them out or clean their cage. they are the size of a pencil still so it just leaves a little pin prick blood droplets where ever they get me. I named one medussa, one Ate greek goddess of evil,and the other Nemesis goddess of retaliation. fiiting names for the evil girls i got. they just bite everything non stop striking. does not even need to be a spot it can get in their mouth, they even bite my chest and get a mouth full of tshirt, its nuts how bad they are. she was sitting on me hand the other day and desided to bite my fingers under her lol
10-07-10, 02:01 PM
one day mate.
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